Sapling Division: MrWunderful’s Zelkova Forest


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SF Bay area
I started these around 17’ from seed, in the ground. This group was the left over garbage that didnt make the ground growing cut after another year.

Since I didnt care that much, I figured I would be aggressive on the roots and try something I read about but didnt see often- using hardware cloth to not only secure the trees but hopefully choke the roots force a more lateral development.

I had some pics of them wired to the cloth but I cant find them on my phone, but I did take some of the repotting process last year:


Produced great fine ramification, but wasnt as lateral as I would have preferred. Some roots still grew down.

Plus it was a PITA to get off, I had to be ruthless on the roots again but once I got down to it the roots were almost 100% lateral (no pics)

Replanted, just leafing out and due for some aggressive chops this summer
This year I also wanted to try something I hadnt seen often.
Adding seeds to established trees in a forest setting.
Since Zelkova grow from seed so easy, I threw about 30 -40 seeds randomly around under my top dressing.

I probably got about 30 seedlings and the goal is to allow them to grow all year while starting to develop Taper in the “First” gen.

It will be interesting to see how this looks different than a forest made of similar age trees, but organized by actual height.

Also curious about if the normal natural forest “rules” come into play (seedlings on inside naturally stunted from less sunlight? Outside grows away, etc.)

Aggressive structural chops this summer, followed by rough hedge trim as needed. Might do this for another year based on need.

Use minimal wiring past primary structure

Feed heavy, full sun all day.

I will update this summer.
Oh and I should add that I am going to remove any seedlings that dont fit well in the design.

The overall finished height is going to be much shorter obviously than it is now, I let most of them run last year with 0 pruning and feeding heavy.

I now realize that the smaller uploaded pics might not come out as clear. When the composition is a little more to look at, I will upload higher quality pics.
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