Reverse Engineering...The Display

So you feel this piece has weight and movement to the right?
Very difficult to say, Al. It seems to have "weight" on the left. There's more foliage there, especially lower left. That one leaf on the right, however, gets your eye moving from lower left to upper right. So to me, it has "movement" to the right. Remove that one leaf, and it's more static. The pot appears to have a flow to the right, so, combined with that leaf, I'd say it moves right.

There is also negative space on the right. Again, directing my eye from lower left to upper right.

But it's subtle.
For my accent plant I have chosen the Chameleon Plant, Arrowhead Violet and Button Fern. If you were to choose based on what you see would this plant be on the right or left of the tree?

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Reverse engineering, also called back engineering, is the processes of extracting knowledge or design information from anything man-made and re-producing it or re-producing anything based on the extracted information.

Over the next several days as I have time I will post the individual components of a display I am producing for a contest. The contest does have prize money, and I am eager to enter.

Accent stand.
The stand on which the accent sits is pretty important to the display. It must have texture, color and gender and a certain amount of formality or informality. Here are some choices to look at and what they each have to offer.

Small Tatami, this is also frequently seen with displays. These work well on wood tables or tables covered with a table cloth. They are rather neutral and really have no gender. These would not work well with a Tokonoma and a full size Tatami matt. Tatami on Tatami is redundant.
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This is probably better termed a goza. Tatami have a structure underneath them...These are not classified with 地板 or 卓 (jiita or shoku). It is an underlayment used for an entire display surface, under the same classification as 下敷き (shitajiki). Remember some people complaining about the color of the cloth (heavy felt) at Boon's show. That is a shitajiki.
For me....all 3 of those elements move left.

So right of the tree for me.

I agree....that one leaf could be cut.

I see it being.on the left of the tree...

Very nice mix of plants . They look nice together.
right of the tree sounds right to me
Maybe it is just me, but most displays I have seen from N. America have accents that are too big and distracting to the eye...I would choose one plant only, and the smallest pot possible...Asking about flow of the display without the Shumoku (主木)or Shusou (主草)is difficult, because the flow is installation wide with each element providing support for the flow.
For my accent plant I have chosen the Chameleon Plant, Arrowhead Violet and Button Fern. If you were to choose based on what you see would this plant be on the right or left of the tree?

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I like the ones you have chosen. Without considering your choices, I would have tried the Pink Knotweed in the center with Brass Button Fern around the edges.
The lip on the pot on the right side is a bit lower and pushes further out from the pot itself. This might be why some are seeing movement to the right. But the fronds that splay out and down from the left side read as more movement to the left than that to me. I'd place it on the right of the tree, or move those cascading fronds and place it on the left.
Like when I do my hair in the morning?
Cock'n Bull
/cock-and-bull (käkən bool)/
1 - An obviously false story used for boasting, or especially as an excuse.
2 - An absurd or highly exaggerated tale passed off as being true.
If you were to choose based on what you see would this plant be on the right or left of the tree?

At first glance I would say right side placement as presented and after going back to it a few times I am pretty certain. Even without seeing the tree...

I sensed impatience in this thread, and while I was building this display in real time and was posting as I went, I became a little frustrated at the forum. I felt people were over analyzing every nuance of every detail rather than waiting until finished and looking at it as a whole. Cock n bull was like "why am I wasting my time, trying to exhibit so much work to help people". Gathering pictures of so many plants and pots. Lots of work. And people are rather ungrateful.

I apologize for being frustrated. Not your problem.
This event happened on April 17, 2016

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Al, I appreciate all the effort you put into your threads like this......I like the overall effect, very nice.....are the lower legs of the stand blue or is it a reflection of some sort.
Cheers Graham
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