Marine Bonsologist
Pines, juniper, larch: 1:1:1 akadama : pumice : lava + add in some charcoal to the mix
Maples, burning bush, chinese elms, chojubai: 2:1:1. A: P : L + charcoal
BRT and Ficus 2:1:1 A : P : L
Azalea: 100% Kanuma, but have also used 100% pumice with success
Beech: still experimenting with mixes
Going to try 2:1 kanuma : pumice
Maples, burning bush, chinese elms, chojubai: 2:1:1. A: P : L + charcoal
BRT and Ficus 2:1:1 A : P : L
Azalea: 100% Kanuma, but have also used 100% pumice with success
Beech: still experimenting with mixes
Going to try 2:1 kanuma : pumice