Requesting Information on media (soil) miles used of presentation (no critics please)

Pines, juniper, larch: 1:1:1 akadama : pumice : lava + add in some charcoal to the mix

Maples, burning bush, chinese elms, chojubai: 2:1:1. A: P : L + charcoal

BRT and Ficus 2:1:1 A : P : L

Azalea: 100% Kanuma, but have also used 100% pumice with success

Beech: still experimenting with mixes
Going to try 2:1 kanuma : pumice
Great information and thank you so much for sharing folks!

Any other takers?

DSD sends
Conifers - 1:1:1 to 3:1:1 depending on species.

Deciduous - 100% akadama or 1:1 akadama and pumice, depending on species

Tropicals - 100% akadama

Generally, smaller size trees 1/16 to 1/8 inch, larger trees I take out the 1/16 and go 1/8 to 1/4

Nice project!
I’m using the same exact ratios and media except for not having tropicals. I will add that I use 100% kanuma on my three azalea trees. I don’t have small trees so I’ve always sifted out 1/16 and stuck with 1/8-1/4”.
1. Most conifers Akadama: Pumice:Lava (APL) 1:1:1 + 5% charcoal/bio char (char) 1/8- 1/4 depending on pot/tree size/health (dependent)

2. Water loving Conifers. APL. Up to 3:1:1 + char. 1/8-1/4 dependent

3. Deciduous. APL. 2:1:1+ char. Maples only = AP 1:1 & char 1/8 - 3/16. dependent

4. Azaleas Kanuma: Pumice. 90:10. 1/8 & char
1. Most Conifers Akadama Pumice Lava Granite APLG 1:1:1:1 for general purposes during development, increase A as refinement progresses to 2:0:1:! size varies with development level and pot size. Note: pumice dropped solely for aesthetic reason in more refined and show presentation.
3. Deciduous APLG as above.
4. Azaleas Kanuma Pumice 60:40 during development moving to 100% Kanuma in more refined, older trees. particle size varies with stage of development and pot size.
Of interest to me would be a sample of soil mixes used currently for collected trees by geographic region and species. I suspect it will have changed considerably over the past decade or so. Not to confuse your project, just occurred to me that it might be a useful category to sample. Thanks for posing the question.
Of interest to me would be a sample of soil mixes used currently for collected trees by geographic region and species. I suspect it will have changed considerably over the past decade or so. Not to confuse your project, just occurred to me that it might be a useful category to sample. Thanks for posing the question.
Good idea Frank!

Folks if you would like to add data on soil mixes you use for collected species in with your other media mixes, or separately, that’s ok with me. I’ll bet @August44 might have some good data on this topic to share. I can sort out the requests.

(If we don’t get enough data, I will post another thread)

DSD sends
Don't tell anyone, but I'm mostly using 100% pumice. Granted, I'm dealing predominantly with recently collected and prebonsai material in larger grow boxes and Anderson flats. I typically use 1/4 - 3/8", with water-loving species getting the smaller particle sizes.
Collected trees
initial collection, first repot, pumice is the only component used!
As development progresses change to APLG . based on the stage of root development, particle size based on stage of root development and size of roots to begin with as this can vary a lot between species and collection site characteristics.
Refined level and preparing for show move to ALG . Percentage varies with conifers and deciduous.
1/4 turface
1/4 pumice
1/4 lava groundup(scoria)
1/4mushrom compost

I dont measure anything I ust guess. Most of my stuff is grown outdoors so everything is the same. Acadama breaks down in the cold weather (winter)so I just use turface. I did noticestuff really grows wellin plain squeegee.i am trying It on succlents now so far so good. I AM TYPING THIS just one finger HAD sever stroke sorry for typos. At leST I TRIED!
I'm the only one not in Club APL I guess. I've ever used Akadama or Kanuma and I have a lot of Azalea. I do want to try Kanuma out on a couple of my better ones. I'm not a hater just about price and availabity. I can't get it unless it's shipped. Even pumice is not available nearby. I'm about 7yrs in now so I'm getting more serious.

I've had success with pumice the last 2 yrs after I coughed up and ordered.

I'm here to stick up for NAPA oil dry when sifted. I've grown many in this alone or with lava added over the last 6-7yrs. I dry and reuse it over and over. Key is to sift it well. I have pics of very nice roots in this poor mans mix. It works. Not saying it's the best but... only draw back is particle size when larger trees are involved.

I also am near a brick manufacture and the last couple years I have been sifting crushed red brick I use in my patio and landscape. This is high fired clay and lasts forever. Holds moisture and shape is perfect. Drawback is weight in large pots but helpful in smaller top heavy ones.

Maybe I am in the Alternative Pumice and Lava Club .
Shipping "dirt" halfway around the world makes no sense to me. I struggle to justify shipping lava/pumice across the country.

Not a soil war or hater. Just a vote for alternatives to Akadama. I am gonna cough up and buy some to try and understand the hoopla but, fear the breakdown in my freezing winters.

My last collected trees went in pumice and crushed brick. I do add bark to thirsty trees too.
I've been trying varying proportions of NAPA 8822 and coconut husk chunks, since they're the cheapest soil components I can get ahold of. I've settled on a ratio ranging from 3:1 to about 6:1 by volume, depending on the needs of the tree. Basically, the less fertilizer I want the tree to get, the less coconut husk I use. Straight 8822 holds plenty of water for a day in full sun, and it simultanelously drains extremely well, allowing plenty of air to reach the roots, but it's terrible at holding onto fertilizers, leading to chlorosis, even when I use organic fertilizers or Osmocote. Coconut husk doesn't work as a medium on its own, except for epiphytes, since the chunks are too large, but if I suspend a handful of them in a matrix of 8822, it offers enough exchange capacity to hold onto fertilizer without clogging up the soil the way I might if I used finer organic components.
Good information folks and I really appreciate your input. It will help my presentation allot…but…

Actually I’m only asking for data on personal usage. Not judging, valuing or voting on this thread… please….

Thanks again and Cheers
DSD sends
1/4 turface
1/4 pumice
1/4 lava groundup(scoria)
1/4mushrom compost

I dont measure anything I ust guess. Most of my stuff is grown outdoors so everything is the same. Acadama breaks down in the cold weather (winter)so I just use turface. I did noticestuff really grows wellin plain squeegee.i am trying It on succlents now so far so good. I AM TYPING THIS just one finger HAD sever stroke sorry for typos. At leST I TRIED!
Dang, sorry to hear about that, I hope you're on the mend.
. I did noticestuff really grows wellin plain squeegee
Ok, I’ll bite. To clarify…What is plain squeegee? Just a typo?
.i am trying It on succlents now so far so good. I AM TYPING THIS just one finger HAD sever stroke sorry for typos. At leST I TRIED!
Gosh I’m so very sorry to hear this news. I wish you the very best.

DSD sends
I was just saying what I have been using for 7 yrs
I'm actually good with what everyone wrote! Just concerned about that slippery slope into thread oblivion....

More concerned that since I just gave examples of APL media mixes that the replies might be skewed. Should've added a couple different examples. Shoulda, woulda, coulda!

So very glad folks, including yourself, who are using other types of media have chipped in lately.

DSD sends
Sorry to be late to the party!
Mostly Catlitter -(Sanikat pink ) mixed with 10% loam/compost, mainly for collected trees and trees in training
Akadama mainly for top dressing
Kanuma for acid loving spp
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