Re-potting during growing season


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I received a Japanese maple that was slightly bare-rooted for 2 days (it was in a bag with wet soil but 1/4 of the roots were exposed). should I remove some percentage of foliage to try to accommodate for what probably is a certain percentage loss of small roots?

Based on your description, it is not necessary. If need be, the tree can/will drop the leaves it cannot support.
It would be helpful if you filled out your user cp with location...regardless, though, keeping the tree in full shade for a few weeks minimum would be a good idea.
I'm in zone 6.

Zone 6 really doesn't tell me anything other than your avg winter low, which has absolutely no bearing on how you treat your new japanese maple right now on June 6. The year round climate in zone 6 in MA is different then zone 6 GA which is different then zone 6 KS. You will never get the best advice for questions concerning horticulture if you aren't willing to let us know your actual location.
Do you have any close up shots showing last years needles, and this years candles? It'll be easier to tell what's going on.


Ignore this post it was meant for a different forum...
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Lol! I thought I posted on the red pine thread.....
what is cp?

Your user profile on the forums. That way people can always see where your location is and give you the best advice for your area. It also saves time if we dont have to ask every time.

Just click on "my profile" on the top right corner and you can add your location under "about me".
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