Bonsai Nut alumnus... we miss you
Best if I call when I'm not at work. Let me know what's best for you. Thanks!
I am most likely home during normal business hours Mon-Fri 9 to 5 for fielding calls and house bish stuff
Best if I call when I'm not at work. Let me know what's best for you. Thanks!
I had it on an unheated porch. Enclosed porch against the wall of the house. What the hell is the hardiness zone?
@GrimLore , Seems there was also a dwarf crepe myrtle in my garden in a box. I've been reading up on their care, and seems like the unheated garage will not work for them? Suggestion was to keep in a room that is 45-54 over the winter, which I cannot provide. Seems they need to have dormancy, but not too cold? I have them in my landscape. Are the dwarfs so different they must be kept warmer? Sorry, all the questions
@GrimLore , Seems there was also a dwarf crepe myrtle in my garden in a box. I've been reading up on their care, and seems like the unheated garage will not work for them? Suggestion was to keep in a room that is 45-54 over the winter, which I cannot provide. Seems they need to have dormancy, but not too cold? I have them in my landscape. Are the dwarfs so different they must be kept warmer? Sorry, all the questions
I keep my crepe myrtle in my attached, unheated garage. Did that 2 winters so far with no problems
@GrimLore , Seems there was also a dwarf crepe myrtle in my garden in a box. I've been reading up on their care, and seems like the unheated garage will not work for them? Suggestion was to keep in a room that is 45-54 over the winter, which I cannot provide. Seems they need to have dormancy, but not too cold? I have them in my landscape. Are the dwarfs so different they must be kept warmer? Sorry, all the questions
I let my dwarfs (pokomoke) experience 2 or 3 frosts and temps down to around 27 - 28 and then they come into my attached garage when they are good and dormant. The temps in there probably average around 40 or so through the winter. Sometimes I worry it isn't cold enough and I open the one window or leave the door up a little. That has worked for the last 2 years. I let them get much colder than that during the winter of 2014 (which was a bad one). I lost a sweetgum and an American elm that came from Louisiana earlier that year, and an azalea, but the dwarf crapes survived - although they lost some branches. My conclusion was that they are pretty tough.