Quercus Faginea (Portuguese Oak)

In last picture green branch on Rt. wire away from others and let grow to thicken trunk. Branch behind it use for future low hanging branch. Also use low branch on right. Upper tree begin picking out primary keeper branches and use one to help build trunk(sacrifice). Time/growth will present ideas😜. If can find copy of Bonsai Techiniques II(maybe inter library loan?)Master Naka pictured several OLD oaks that might inspire? If really not happy with poor pitiful thing send to me to remove from sight.
In last picture green branch on Rt. wire away from others and let grow to thicken trunk. Branch behind it use for future low hanging branch. Also use low branch on right. Upper tree begin picking out primary keeper branches and use one to help build trunk(sacrifice). Time/growth will present ideas😜. If can find copy of Bonsai Techiniques II(maybe inter library loan?)Master Naka pictured several OLD oaks that might inspire? If really not happy with poor pitiful thing send to me to remove from sight.
Sounds about right. This is the kinda maintenance branch selection I was thinking of doing now anyway. Keeps branches and eventual leaves seperated out and can develop stronger for future.

It should probably be repotted but it's growing very well so far so I'll leave it and see. Worst case it can be slip pot, no negative impact on the tree so no need to repot.
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