Pseudocydonia sinensis / Chinese quince ... lil' twisted shohin.


Neagari Gal
Reaction score
NE Ohio: zone 4 (USA) lake microclimate
Picked up a shohin Chinese quince. There were many reasons I would have chose to pass.

*I dislike auctions with a reserve.
*No dormant image for the listing.

Most days those two factors would have me passing. That said...a lot going on here my way. My stepbrother was involved in a hit n run while on his motorcycle. The bike was threw 80 feet from impact. He's...going to recover. But he's got a long road ahead of him. It was hard...they had to tweak pain meds. Which meant...wean him off to add new. Talk about difficult to know this was going on. They actually had family not visit while doing this. As his oxygen levels were low from pain levels so high. We weren't allowed in for several days.

But enough of that. I needed retail therapy. So I picked up this darling little number. The twisting trunk was enough for me to push aside other auction factors. The tree arrived and surpassed my own expectations.

In the link...there is live footage of the tree. Focusing on that twisting trunk.

Awesome tree!

I'm sorry your brother is going through this. I'm glad he's going to recover, and that he has his family to lean on through this ordeal.

Let us see what you do with the tree, though; I'm curious.
Awesome tree!

I'm sorry your brother is going through this. I'm glad he's going to recover, and that he has his family to lean on through this ordeal.

Let us see what you do with the tree, though; I'm curious.
Thank's been a roller coaster. He's finally home...recovering. A long road ahead of him. But he's a fighter. I see him being ahead of what they expect ... Lost my dog 3 weeks after his motorcycle accident. Not the one in my profile. She came when I lost Ahsoka my aussie earlier this year...she was old. But Larry/an English bulldog, he was the youngest I've ever lost... I can't share his photo right now. It's to raw. Thought we beat the chances. He came home from emergency surgery so dang happy... to have him take a turn 3 days later. Just have that false hope.

...but I'm believing the tide is changing. It has to. So I'm expecting the sun to be bright. And shine on me and those around me. Had some nice news...on my Ryusen maple. Won't share it yet. That perked me up a bit too...and I found a darling dwarf like fern similar to Rabbit Foot... but more compact and smaller. Hunted it almost a year a few years back. No luck. This fell into my lap without hunting. So...the tide has to be changing. That's my take. I need a break. If I listed all the tragic events to my family and those close to me. You would almost think you were reading a fiction novel. It's just been an awful lot. But...the tide is changing. I'm believing that.

I don't intend to change this at all. But let it evolve on my bench this new Chinese quince...

Now...the dwarf like fern... 🥰
My deepest sympathies for the 1-2 punch you had to go through.
Good to hear your brother is on the mend though. He sounds strong-willed and with a vigilant support group, he should be ok.
Also sorry to hear about your furbaby, they are so hard to get over.

Nice quince!
My deepest sympathies for the 1-2 punch you had to go through.
Good to hear your brother is on the mend though. He sounds strong-willed and with a vigilant support group, he should be ok.
Also sorry to hear about your furbaby, they are so hard to get over.

Nice quince!
Thank ya kindly. Just... I thought we beat the odds. I think that...was the hardest pill to swallow with losing Larry.

Oh my he surely a fighter! Yes...he's got an amazing support group. He's just got an amazing heart. That you just wouldn't believe it. So many are stepping up and helping.

Again thanks...that quince makes me smile big when I look at it. 😁 I really love that tree.
This tree is so you. Glad you ignored your "rules of engagement" and went for it.
Sorry about your bro, but glad he will recover. And Larry, 💔I know he was a joy to you.
This tree is so you. Glad you ignored your "rules of engagement" and went for it.
Sorry about your bro, but glad he will recover. And Larry, 💔I know he was a joy to you.
Thanks... I am too. My friend John kept at me. Knowing it was a tree suited to me. Had he not kept after me. My stubbornness would have won out. Without a doubt. The tree sure makes me smile. It's a charmer.

And thanks on the rest ... 2024 ...has been a very hard ride. I won't list everything... it would be an impossible list to believe.

Thanks again Judy. Take care.
So sorry to hear about your brother and the pups. Hopefully his recovery will be swift. Your Aussie was a beauty and Larry always cracked me up, they will live on in your heart.
So sorry to hear about your brother and the pups. Hopefully his recovery will be swift. Your Aussie was a beauty and Larry always cracked me up, they will live on in your heart.
Thanks Carol... he is allowed to walk finally. The stabilizers on his knees holding the skin grafts healed. So that's a good milestone. He is still dealing with pressure points on the skin grafts being an issue. But the knees healed will allow him to walk on his feet. That will go a long way mentally I think. In helping him move forward. Neck brace still on. Neck break isn't healed yet. He's got so many broken bones...and they seem to keep finding more. It's crazy.

Thanks...yes Ahsoka was gorgeous. Loved her. I truly didn't think I could have another aussie. She helped me put to bed...demons in my head from childhood...when my mom passed she never left my side. As I coped with grief of one I was estranged from for many years. My mother wired wrong.

Let alone one that happened so quickly. But...she was a godsend. 2 1/2 weeks after Ahsoka cousin committed suicide. I got to pick up Ember...a week later. I knew we were getting her...the week before he took his life. When my mind couldn't settle...I would think of her cute face as a distraction. But... that was a horrific time. There were three human deaths that touched close to home. In a weeks time one before my cousin...and one days later... but close to home and hit the heart hard. Before I picked up my Ember. I so needed her home with me. She helped my mind find rest.

And Larry...gosh he was bigger than life with his antics. He will be missed...but never forgotten as you say. 😘 thanks hun.
Thanks Carol... he is allowed to walk finally. The stabilizers on his knees holding the skin grafts healed. So that's a good milestone. He is still dealing with pressure points on the skin grafts being an issue. But the knees healed will allow him to walk on his feet. That will go a long way mentally I think. In helping him move forward. Neck brace still on. Neck break isn't healed yet. He's got so many broken bones...and they seem to keep finding more. It's crazy.

Thanks...yes Ahsoka was gorgeous. Loved her. I truly didn't think I could have another aussie. She helped me put to bed...demons in my head from childhood...when my mom passed she never left my side. As I coped with grief of one I was estranged from for many years. My mother wired wrong.

Let alone one that happened so quickly. But...she was a godsend. 2 1/2 weeks after Ahsoka cousin committed suicide. I got to pick up Ember...a week later. I knew we were getting her...the week before he took his life. When my mind couldn't settle...I would think of her cute face as a distraction. But... that was a horrific time. There were three human deaths that touched close to home. In a weeks time one before my cousin...and one days later... but close to home and hit the heart hard. Before I picked up my Ember. I so needed her home with me. She helped my mind find rest.

And Larry...gosh he was bigger than life with his antics. He will be missed...but never forgotten as you say. 😘 thanks hun.
That’s a lot. Dogs truly are gifts from God tho, and they always seem to enter our lives when we most need them. I can say that Beanie and now Ella were/are angels on earth for the strength they gave me just by being there. Hope you are healing ❤️‍🩹
Glad you had/have those special lighthouses as well. Definitely a gift from God. He knows the end to the beginning... knew...I was going to need a lighthouse to see me through. Ahsoka was that to me...and she was no longer here. Ember came so fast my head spun. But... when she came home. I so was desperate for her to be here.

Now with Larry gone. To not have her .. have Sebulba an only dog to his pack...and lost his brother. That would have tore at my heartstrings like no tomorrow. She's been a blessing to us all.

Give Ella a hug from me...they are so so special.

I'm counting blessings... before my stepbrothers accident. An 8 year old boy I taught Sunday School to before I got sick with covid. Is a walking miracle. Life threatening dirt bike accident. The Sunday after we lost Larry. That little boy walked through our church doors on his own two feet for the first time... he wasn't allowed to bare weight and needed carried for a good while. But he walked through the door on his own two feet..and I cried at the blessing seen there. A mother didn't bury a child there. My stepbrother, his wife didn't bury a neighbor had a horse riding accident 2 weeks before my stepbrother. Life flighted as well... and she's home in a hospital bed...recovering but will recover. Her husband didn't bury a wife. There are so many blessings to count...that helps refocus. You have to count the blessings.

I'm finding my smile again... so I'm healing. Thanks, hun. 😘
Anyways...that was just chipping at the iceberg. 2024...has been crazy hard.

But I love this shohin quince ... like ... a reminder of frivolous things that bring us joy. That we need along life's journey. I really really love this tree 🥰🥰🥰
I'm sorry to read about your troubles and tragedy this year. Hope things get better for you soon.
Thanks... I'm believing it's got to end on a good note. I'm choosing to believe that.

The smalls...but finding material I couldn't find and even went to Suthin for...fell into my lap without hunting. Made me pause. News about my Ryusen...made me smile... I think...the tide is changing. 🙂

I've definitely...grown stronger, dug deeper than I ever imagined possible. With that little red dog at my side. She truly is my lighthouse. Love my Ember.
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