Pruning an Azalea... I need your help, please :)

Another option if you dont want to wait:
It flowered yesterday. Mame azalea:


Those are nice Neli, I have a couple of them, too, that I have started form cuttings. The only thing I hate is that the blooms look kinda strange as they are out of scale, chinzan is the variety that I have. Your flowers look a bit smaller, what variety is it?
Those are nice Neli, I have a couple of them, too, that I have started form cuttings. The only thing I hate is that the blooms look kinda strange as they are out of scale, chinzan is the variety that I have. Your flowers look a bit smaller, what variety is it?

Not sure about this variety, but the leaves are not small. I have another variety, that has leaves like grains of rice. It is also about to flower now.
Here it is:


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I have a small azalea that I m working with in my basement under flouresent lights. I brought it in last fall, trimmed it, and it just bloomed. The basement is cool, between 50 to 60 degrees.

I will put it back outside in the spring. Just testing results. This is my first year.

Anyone else try this?

Thanks, everyone, for your advice. I will wait until flowers bloom and remove immediately after they start wilting to prevent the tree from spending energy on making seeds. I will then transplant it to a bigger container, since I am pretty sure it won't survive a winter in my area.
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