Problem with Dutch shop Bonsaï Plaza

Only bad thing about Bonsai Plaza ir theyr shipping costs
They don't refund me. (they spoke first about a discount of 100 euros, it's why I said they refund me)
Well, I just needed to buy a pot which pleased me. I have found one, and only one but expensive because it was a Reiho. I bought it, trusting the site, and then, it's not a Reiho, and if I don't agree I just return it, without seen any other to look like this one. How can I explain you, from the side of a buyer, what a sad case it is?

It is not sad at all. They sold you the “perfect” pot for your needs, apparently. You like it so much that you won’t even return it!

Only bad thing about Bonsai Plaza is their shipping costs

Not for me I live close enough to go there a few times per year. It is the amount of pots they have and that I would like to have.

Last year I bought a 1 st generation Yamaaki at an incredible price just because they wrote the price in years ago and nobody bought it.
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