Please Research Your Decisions.

Internet trolls gonna keep trolling. Welcome to the ignore list.

LOL. Run out of talking points, run away and hide. Typical. I won't miss interacting with you!
You know what I think. Bonsai is absolutely a fine art, given the opportunity to bend the rules to fit the given intentions of the artist. And bonsai as a term is fine in my opinion and does not require the term to be updated to fit anyone’s Americanized standards. Just figured I’d give my 2 cents considering this is a general discussion thread.

oh and follow my YouTube page for tips on propagating maples. and Nigel Saunders is a real fraud.

A fraud? Besides his unorthodox techniques, what is fraudulent about that wholesome guy who helps generate interest in growing trees?

I don't watch all of his videos, but I dont recall him ever selling anything, or stating his techniques and knowledge are superior.

Do you think his unorthodox techniques have caused enough dead trees to warrant his name be synonymous with fraud?
A fraud? Besides his unorthodox techniques, what is fraudulent about that wholesome guy who helps generate interest in growing trees?

I don't watch all of his videos, but I dont recall him ever selling anything, or stating his techniques and knowledge are superior.

Do you think his unorthodox techniques have caused enough dead trees to warrant his name be synonymous with fraud?
😂😂😂😂 your taking my comment out of context. But your brand new hear and I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. I love Nigel and though I don’t always appreciate his technique, his videos can be calming at times. My comment is poking fun at a different, but brand new member, who started THIS THREAD RIGHT HERE . My comment was mocking the thread I posted to, and the thread and other new member, which included major disdain for Nigel.
Thank you. 💗 it is a very sensitive topic because of the hell we went through.

Then my own brother his much needed open heart surgery was postponed because they couldn't find two days in three different hospitals in the ICU for recovery. His aneurysm was an 8 in size months back. Typically done when it is a 4. But he needed to lose weight at that time it was a 6. Then finally hit the mark for weight goal and covid kept him from having it. When he got in...the surgeon said he had 2 weeks to 2 months before the aneurysm ruptured something about the wall of the aneurysm. I am so grateful to still have my brother with us...recovering from the aneurysm and mechanical valve he needed.

But no one will know, or grasp what we went through... the aftermath of my mother in laws death. Didn't allow us time to grieve. It's just to much...

This us through. My son and I...still cry listening to this song...because God only knows.

You don't think anybody can know or grasp what your family went through? I'm sorry considering we are speaking about a virus that has killed a couple hundred thousand people in America in the past year, I think many folks have lost numerous loved ones.

I don't think I have ever come across something as self important and unaware as this. The last few paragraphs read as if Covid 19 wasnt a worldwide pandemic that literally everybody experienced but that you actually believe no one could understand or grasp losing multiple family members and almost losing another one.

You don't think anybody can know or grasp what your family went through? I'm sorry considering we are speaking about a virus that has killed a couple hundred thousand people in America in the past year, I think many folks have lost numerous loved ones.

I don't think I have ever come across something as self important and unaware as this. The last few paragraphs read as if Covid 19 wasnt a worldwide pandemic that literally everybody experienced but that you actually believe no one could understand or grasp losing multiple family members and almost losing another one.

Mental illness in the family...threats...loaded gun beside my bed to feel safe. Sound normal to you? You have no idea what we went through. It was the starting of the avalanche. Sheriff Department involved... next time please feel free to assume more.
What I never get about the conspiracy/youtube/joe rogan "researchers" is their incredibley inflated egos. Only people like Source can see the "truth" and people who have gone to school for 10 years, the media, the government, the academics, the fields of sociology, psychology, philosophy, and medicine all are fooled. Only some random guy with no formal education making videos on his phone in his basement has the answers.

The sheer arrogance and self importance of these belief systems is astounding. Like, youre not that smart. You arent that important. No one is ever coming for you, and that just burns you so bad you resort to this nonsense to feel important. Yeah sure, your "exposing lies". Sounds like "breaking up child pedo rings" like ol boy at ping pong, lol. sad really. Tempest in a teapot.
And now.. All who posted in this thread.. Start a thread on bonsai please
I got drug back in by one who felt the need to quote me. Their 13th posts since 2019...a dang gone troll who decided to mock me. Because surely the one hasn't been overly active in the forum...I check their history. Quoted me...and I had left this thread...alone. What a high pompous troll. Knows the hell others have went through and makes light of it. I don't have time for such idiots.

Yes, now to go read some bonsai threads. I've no topic for a new one,sorry. Nothing really going on here. Just regular horticultural care.
What I never get about the conspiracy/youtube/joe rogan "researchers" is their incredibley inflated egos. Only people like Source can see the "truth" and people who have gone to school for 10 years, the media, the government, the academics, the fields of sociology, psychology, philosophy, and medicine all are fooled. Only some random guy with no formal education making videos on his phone in his basement has the answers.

The sheer arrogance and self importance of these belief systems is astounding. Like, youre not that smart. You arent that important. No one is ever coming for you, and that just burns you so bad you resort to this nonsense to feel important. Yeah sure, your "exposing lies". Sounds like "breaking up child pedo rings" like ol boy at ping pong, lol. sad really. Tempest in a teapot.
Isn't this a two-way street? The ~"Truth"~ has always been in a state of flux since Adam & Eve and the snake. The most sure way for society to progress has been free debate, often absent for long interludes, and ~"Truth"~ discovery stalled. Ask Galileo about that. Popes Sukerberg, Sundar & Dorsey are pleased to sit in judgement of all others, probably because they are so much smarter than all others. Or maybe they are just more righteous than everyone else. Either way, they're just the tip of the spear of socialist True Believers who's mantra is, "My way or the highway". Lucky for us old folks who will die soon because the green revolution has some painful truth discovery of its own forthcoming when their mathematicians figure out electricity doesn't come from wall receptacles after all and plastics will need to be replaced by wood and metal. Unfortunately, the True Believers, -disproportionately "educated" and educators, lean heavily towards following Argentina, USSR, Yugoslavia, Cuba, Venezuela, et all down the dustbin of economics.

If you find it necessary to attack personally the other side to have enough words to fill up a paragraph of rebuttal, well that should inform you of something interesting about you...
What I never get about the conspiracy/youtube/joe rogan "researchers" is their incredibley inflated egos. Only people like Source can see the "truth" and people who have gone to school for 10 years, the media, the government, the academics, the fields of sociology, psychology, philosophy, and medicine all are fooled. Only some random guy with no formal education making videos on his phone in his basement has the answers.

The sheer arrogance and self importance of these belief systems is astounding. Like, youre not that smart. You arent that important. No one is ever coming for you, and that just burns you so bad you resort to this nonsense to feel important. Yeah sure, your "exposing lies". Sounds like "breaking up child pedo rings" like ol boy at ping pong, lol. sad really. Tempest in a teapot.

Those warning about the covid vaccines and promoting off-label drugs like ivermectin include some of the most credentialed scientists out there. None of them have ever been accused of being anti-vax, at least until now that they've dared speak up against the establishment.

Speaking out against the mRNA vaccines include:

Robert Malone - instrumental in the development of mRNA technology which led to the current vaccines. Now concerned about the large numbers of side effects and potential long term impacts. Pretty sure he got one of the mRNA vaccines early on. Interestingly, once he started speaking out wikipedia deleted his page and also scrubbed his name from the page devoted to RNA vaccines. Are people OK with that? I'm not.

Geert Vanden Boscche - Academic researcher in virology, then worked in vaccine development in several companies. Worked for the Gates Foundation. I think some of his viewpoints are rather extremist but he has never been known as ant-vax.

Supporting ivermectin and other treatments:

Paul Marik, Pierre Kory, Joseph Varon - look up their credentials, these guys have been doing research and treating critically ill patients for decades. Between them they have hundreds or thousands of refereed publications. They've actually seen the impacts of treatments on patients. The fact that growing numbers of physicians are prescribing these treatments might tell you something.

This is admittedly a small group, but there are others out there. Certainly not just a bunch of guys in a basement.
If we could stray back to to OP, the CCP certainly researches their decisions. The ~"escape"~ has been more inconvenient for the rest of the world than it has been for China. Ordinarily, that would be odd. Delta has been a double whammy for India which is just co-incidentally an arch-enemy of CCP, and delta is on-going to the rest of the world. Who's to say that the Red Army hasn't got a whole passel of variants that they release here, there, and everywhere strategically important? It would be useful to keep the world off balance while they lop off pieces of the so-called free world like Taiwan and some more of the shallow water in the South China Sea. It's theirs after all, -it's even already got their name on it! All they need is to keep the world looking at the wrong stuff while they get their ducks-in-a-row.

Try this on for size: the US legislatures go on break the second week of August, Washington is empty: if a typhoon approaches the area and the CCP navy does the smart thing and make way for safe harbors that are in the vicinity of SEATO vessels, they would be in position to intercept responding vessels/fleets, but more useful, the SEATO fleet would relax. While the four larger airports are closed down or traffic is reduced for the storm the CCP can position troop carriers in the air to be ready to deliver troops to these airports as soon as it is possible to land. That's actually much sooner than commercial traffic resumes. Agents on the ground there and in surrounding key points could sabotage communications so the incoming troop carriers could be invisible or confused there and elsewhere as commercial traffic. Radar coverage from the east and north is poor anyway, so it would be not hard to hide a few dozen passenger and freight aircraft appearing to fly to destinations other than Taiwan that could divert at a moment's notice. In the chaos of a storm just passing, putting 5 or 10 thousand troops on the ground in a hour to secure the airports changes the tipping point. The close-by defending navy is left with nothing to shoot at. By the time the air force gets off the ground the only targets will be CCP fighters. When the overwhelmed Taiwan air force is exhausted the in-bound troop carriers can continue to bring the other 9 millions of Red Army to bear on the 145,000 Taiwan military. If it's messy, who cares? When you have a 9 million man army, you can lose a few and not even notice, but the Red Army is a serious force. The back door is open with every typhoon, and the US is only as useful as Joe and the most useless Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staffs since McClellan can be, nada...

The whole business would be over before Washington could call a meeting to discuss asking Joe's butler to wake him up.

So, get ready for more variants, the CCP has had lots of time to produce. And who's to say they're done?
If we could stray back to to OP, the CCP certainly researches their decisions. The ~"escape"~ has been more inconvenient for the rest of the world than it has been for China. Ordinarily, that would be odd. Delta has been a double whammy for India which is just co-incidentally an arch-enemy of CCP, and delta is on-going to the rest of the world. Who's to say that the Red Army hasn't got a whole passel of variants that they release here, there, and everywhere strategically important? It would be useful to keep the world off balance while they lop off pieces of the so-called free world like Taiwan and some more of the shallow water in the South China Sea. It's theirs after all, -it's even already got their name on it! All they need is to keep the world looking at the wrong stuff while they get their ducks-in-a-row.

Try this on for size: the US legislatures go on break the second week of August, Washington is empty: if a typhoon approaches the area and the CCP navy does the smart thing and make way for safe harbors that are in the vicinity of SEATO vessels, they would be in position to intercept responding vessels/fleets, but more useful, the SEATO fleet would relax. While the four larger airports are closed down or traffic is reduced for the storm the CCP can position troop carriers in the air to be ready to deliver troops to these airports as soon as it is possible to land. That's actually much sooner than commercial traffic resumes. Agents on the ground there and in surrounding key points could sabotage communications so the incoming troop carriers could be invisible or confused there and elsewhere as commercial traffic. Radar coverage from the east and north is poor anyway, so it would be not hard to hide a few dozen passenger and freight aircraft appearing to fly to destinations other than Taiwan that could divert at a moment's notice. In the chaos of a storm just passing, putting 5 or 10 thousand troops on the ground in a hour to secure the airports changes the tipping point. The close-by defending navy is left with nothing to shoot at. By the time the air force gets off the ground the only targets will be CCP fighters. When the overwhelmed Taiwan air force is exhausted the in-bound troop carriers can continue to bring the other 9 millions of Red Army to bear on the 145,000 Taiwan military. If it's messy, who cares? When you have a 9 million man army, you can lose a few and not even notice, but the Red Army is a serious force. The back door is open with every typhoon, and the US is only as useful as Joe and the most useless Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staffs since McClellan can be, nada...

The whole business would be over before Washington could call a meeting to discuss asking Joe's butler to wake him up.

So, get ready for more variants, the CCP has had lots of time to produce. And who's to say they're done?
Better put on your tinfoil hat before they hit you with their mind control lasers! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I've actually got one of those tinfoil hats to protect me from liberals. It's not working. And that laser mind control thing is a myth, they do it with the public school system, Hollywood, and politicians that make up the rules as they go along. That's working. I'm old and going to die before society collapses. Those of you not thusly blessed have a different fate.
I've actually got one of those tinfoil hats to protect me from liberals. It's not working. And that laser mind control thing is a myth, they do it with the public school system, Hollywood, and politicians that make up the rules as they go along. That's working. I'm old and going to die before society collapses. Those of you not thusly blessed have a different fate.
Oh, it's too late! They already got to you with their mind control lasers. Should've been wearing your tinfoil hat. 😉 🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
protect me from liberals
Liberal: a supporter of a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.

If you are afraid of that, I think you are in the wrong country. Maybe China, Russia or Iran are the place for you if you reject individual right, civil iberty, democracy and free enterprice.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
A discussion is about contradiction.

I just happen to be on BOTH sides.

Don't just look AROUND me.

Look INTO me.

We are almost there!

It is so bizarre how they can't even tell you aren't playing the game they are playing. If your not with them than you must be against them because we all had a choice and if you don't speak left you must speak right.

You must be some sort of fox news republican to claim no hatred of Trump and no support or Biden!

why so many ppl are buying into this identity politics dueling narratives with daily updates and assurances that your party is good and right and that other party is wrong and stupid or ill intentioned is concerning. It's so damn blatant and by design to ensure social media helps to further civil unrest rather than create civil unity.

A strongly united civilization + social media could really F around and start thinking beyond left Vs right and Us vs them.

A strongly controlled news and headline algorithms that delivers daily hate and division have ramped up within past decade and now if you kinda liked Trump and you talk about all the creepy weird shit biden says and does you are a fox news republican.

beyond left Vs right

I don't even think it's fair we call these insane Marxists "Liberals".

They are just enjoying the fact that we are helping them disguise their true intentions by labeling Liberals as WITH this insanity.

Sure, some Liberals, like me a year ago, have been/were brainwashed to believe their actions are still "Democratic", but they are ruining our "Democracy".

I think it’s interesting that both Trump AND Biden have skeletons, have PUBLICLY said things/done things that, 25 years ago would’ve made election(or even decent candidacy) IMPOSSIBLE....

...frog in the water.

I am, also, pretty “steadfastly neutral.. but I have to touch on this “Comparing certain OTHER political groups to Marxist/Socialist/Communist.”
...I feel that, to effectively MAKE this contrast/comparison, one would need decent(or nearing complete) knowledge of Marxism/Socialist/communism, because if you don’t... the comparison is worthless..
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