Pinus pumila

So, surprisingly this tree ended up behaving like a multi flush pine this year:

Extremely healthy and a lot of growth after first repot into container.

Any recent updates on this one? I grew a flat of seedlings of this species a couple years ago and they survive my winters here by just being placed on the ground, uncovered! Remarkably hardy and beautiful needles also!
Any recent updates on this one? I grew a flat of seedlings of this species a couple years ago and they survive my winters here by just being placed on the ground, uncovered! Remarkably hardy and beautiful needles also!
Hi! It’s doing great, I’ll update some photos when I have time, thanks for asking. Sure, the needles are beautiful and has nice flowers this time of the year
I wounder if something isn't spreading from the trees in the background towards your pines
I agree. I would be a little concerned with what is going on with that pine in the background. It is clearly not well. I would aggressively treat you pines with antifungal treatments as preventative.
The tree in the back is OK. Just a big old Austrian black pine getting rid of needles. It does it every year.

They normally do that by the end of summer, similarly to Scots Pines or some 5 needle pines. These shedding is sometimes really aggressive
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