Pilacik bonsai at eBay (Thumbs down)


Imperial Masterpiece
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Austin, TX (Zone 8b)
I bought 2 Kiku tools from Pilacik bonsai on eBay ...very excited too because one will be my first (yeah FIRST) 12" knob cutter.

Both came today and I am super disappointed. The 12" have no marks and dull as a shovel. The 9" is marked China and also dull. None have any signs on them of being Kiku.

Check the listing and be the judge.

I would think Mr. Pilacik would know what posting...
"New never used Kiku 12 bonsai knob cutter" &
"New never used Kiku 9 inch bonsai knob cutter"
...means and I see this a very deceptive practice. Sad, since I heard good things about the man in bonsai circle. :(
eBay case opened...I hope they can help sort this out.

Funny thing is he sent me these...
"Not even close check high quality steel in fact purchased from mecco bonsai roger sells mico I never bought chinese tools they are cheap not like this tool"

"No china stamp on them "

So he admits Chinese tools are cheap. I sent him this pic and total silence after.


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Interesting. I am sure he will respond. If not we know eBay/PayPal will.
Interesting. I am sure he will respond. If not we know eBay/PayPal will.

He did this morning, but still insist it is not China and said...

"That dies not say china nor is it a chinese chop"

I guess he means..."That does not say china nor is it a chinese chop"

I am floored.
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Ouch...at least you were able to open a case. You should be taken care of through eBay even if the seller doesn't come through.
True but no guarantees eBay will rule on my favor (though I am confident I'll win). Even if they do, I have to wait a full month before they move. :(

He did this morning, but still insist it is not China and said...

"That dies not say china nor is it a chinese chop"

I guess he means..."That does not say china nor is it a chinese chop"

I am floored.

This is where I'd stop being polite.

Best of luck Dario.
This guy looks to be selling the same stuff, and talks of rust, grinding marks and defects, and bringing them in from China, possibly Korea.

Kiku tools always came in boxes like Masakuni.


Caveat Emptor......
Thanks Smoke. At least that seller is honest about what he is selling. Pilacik's listing is a "bait and switch" type.

I normally do not assume and get more photos or ask question but he is such a known name in bonsai that I thought would be credible to deal with. So far he is nothing but.

I now know his name & reputation's worth.
I have been buying all my stuff from a user called kei1974819, cant be happier!!
Hope this works out well!

As much as I like to save money on stuff, too, there is value in supporting your local bonsai retailer. There you can actually see the quality for yourself.

What I do if I want something that my retailer doesn't have, is put in a request that he add it to his next order from the wholesaler. He gets to place a bigger order, and he knows he has a sale. I get a bit of discount for it. Win - win. Plus, it helps keep him in business.

As much as I like to save money on stuff, too, there is value in supporting your local bonsai retailer. There you can actually see the quality for yourself.

What I do if I want something that my retailer doesn't have, is put in a request that he add it to his next order from the wholesaler. He gets to place a bigger order, and he knows he has a sale. I get a bit of discount for it. Win - win. Plus, it helps keep him in business.

Thanks Adair. We actually do not have any local bonsai store believe it or not. The one near me closed before I started bonsai and I still bought one of his inventory tools (even if I have better ones already) to help.
Complete (100% un-edited) transcript of exchanges.

Me: "I own several Kiku bonsai tools and these are NOT Kiku. Not only are they not properly branded/marked, one is also marked CHINA!!! These tools are "junk" and useless to me and I demand either a proper Kiku tool replacement or a full refund. "
Pilacik: "Tiol was as stated"
Me: "I do not know what Tiol is. Can you explain?"
Pilacik: "Tool"
Me: "Original Kiku are branded Kiku and have a Chrysanthemum like mark. Like shown on the 2nd pic of this eBay listing (item # 141308990045). http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-EXT...ning-scissors-bonsai-NEAR-MINT-/141308990045? Yours have neither."
Pilacik: "These are newer kiku and never advertised as vintage"
Me: "So any UNBRANDED tool from China can be marketed as whatever? Kiku (a reputable Japanese brand) in this instance? Wow."
Pilacik: "I never bought chinese tools they are cheap not like this tool"
Pilacik: "Not even close check high quality steel in fact purchased from mecco bonsai roger sells mico
Me: "Really? Can you explain "China" stamp on one then?"
Pilacik: "No china stamp on them "
Me: ""No china stamp on them " Really? Please see attached pictures." (2 pictures attached)
Pilacik: "That dies not say china nor is it a chinese chop"
Me: "Since you are very unreasonable and in denial. I will let eBay deal with you."
Pilacik: "That's fine"
Me: "EBay (hope you are reading this)...please escalate since we cannot seem to agree. Thank you."
Me: "To make this auction part of the other "not as described" case."
Pilacik: "I have answered all questions honestly and professionally and the products ship were exactly as descriped"
Me: "You maintain this, despite the lack of any proof it is Kiku (as you claimed). You also claim it is not from China despite the picture that clearly shows it is. I am amazed."
Pilacik: "I would appreciate ebay customer support to settle this case because I will not refund monies on an accurately described item"
Me: "eBay, please help us resolve this. Thank you."
Holy sh*t Dario, what a rip. Good luck resolving this!
Good luck getting this resolved. Sounds like you have a strong case. I've never had an issue (yet) with an ebay purchase that required intervention, so let us know how they handle it.

Thanks guys.

The good part, wife learned about it and "forcing" me to buy a 12" Masakuni or Kaneshin instead for father's day. :D I probably won't buy those just because I cannot justify it to myself but it made me feel really good. :)
Outrageous. The nine inch has a chop mark in his listing. Not sure what it is, but it's definitely not CHINA.
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