Picked up a little bit of fun...


Neagari Gal
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NE Ohio: zone 4 (USA) lake microclimate
With our upcoming mission trip I don't feel I can do any landscape playing around. I don't wish to worry the one tending our zoo...and seeing my sprinkler is working on the bonsai...to have another thing to worry about. But...I've been itching to play with dirt and flowers. So...I picked up a few things on the way back home.

Had originally went to a fairy garden place in Amish country and got the largest succulent when my search for brass buttons turned up empty. Sweet talked the hubs to swing by the nursery which had brass buttons on Tuesday when I called...but I didn't make the 45 minute trek there. To inky pick up a few things to play with...

My custom Erin pot that Victor Harris made for the neagari Satsuki...that I ended up choosing a Sonny Boggs pot for. Wished for it to be used...I sort of have a thing for succulents. But don't really have many hens and chicks...soooo this happened.



Another Erin Pottery pot...


Sadly, I didn't see any tall accent plants I really liked. So I went with the grass.

Then the reason for the stop...my brass buttons. I ended up picking up this Polka Dog Plant as well. Forget the potter on this one.


They're all nice...

I really like the last one!

Thanks Sorce! The last one...the brass buttons were the only thing potted in it last year. Thought to change it up a bit. I have a thing with change. (OCD thing) So I've been on the fence with it. So your compliment made my day. Just a great way to unwind...had fun tossing them together. Didn't last near long enough. But helped scratch an itch to play with dirt.
They all are great! I really love the pots though I must say!
Thank you! Yeah, I really loved the first Erin pot...so much I wracked the brain thinking how to utilize it more than a dust collector looking cool on the shelf of the greenhouse. Shoot...I have more Erin pots than I know what to do with! But am never done collecting them. :oops:...here are just my Erin pots.

All are Erin pots other than the bald cypress.



A few closer up.

This one I got off his father, Glyn off of Etsy.com. No Erin stamp...but a practice glazing he was trying.
Very nice, hope you had a nice anniversary trip. I'd love to bring some stuff home from our anniversary trip to Florida next month, but I'm pretty sure they won't let me on the plane with it. :(
Very nice, hope you had a nice anniversary trip. I'd love to bring some stuff home from our anniversary trip to Florida next month, but I'm pretty sure they won't let me on the plane with it. :(
People travel with trees...if your concerned and I hit the nail on the head. Check into how it's done. ;)... I picked up a nice bench/table purchase with a sentiment that is so me...will need to clear coat it... and a yard spinner decor piece for the lawn down in Amish country...

Thanks! Very nice time away...
Those are all so beautiful I love the moon shaped ones the best. I need to get one of those speaking of which...... maybe a small mame one :cool:
People travel with trees...if your concerned and I hit the nail on the head. Check into how it's done. ;)... I picked up a nice bench/table purchase with a sentiment that is so me...will need to clear coat it... and a yard spinner decor piece for the lawn down in Amish country...

Thanks! Very nice time away...
Sounds like you had a nice time, and brought home a few goodies. Good for you. Years ago I bought one of those little orange trees from a souvenir shop when we were down there. I got pulled over in the security line, lol. My husband was not amused, ha. I really don't need anything else, unless we build an addition to the house.
Those are all so beautiful I love the moon shaped ones the best. I need to get one of those speaking of which...... maybe a small mame one :cool:

Thanks...can't take credit for them. Just admire them on the shelf. So a, a fan of Erin Pottery. The one the succulents are in...and the crescent are both custom he made for me. Which he doesn't do often by the sounds of website.

The crescent/moon shape pot I'm assuming your mentioning. Cool little pots. Not the appropriate pot for that tree by any means. But one that fit the roots. Need more pots!!!
@sorce ...I know you liked that last photo of the frog pot planting. I just felt it needed something more with green foliage possibly. So pulled the plants to this Erin pot...thoughts?

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Equal or Better.

I love how they both grab the leaf color.

This one better.

Anyone know anything about hens and chicks? I am thinking...the one is getting ready to bloom. But I've not had any bloom like this. I've had them send out tiny flowers. But...in a Google search I did see some grew out long before flowering. So when the bloom is spent...what does one do...cut the bloom off? Or remove that plant from the pot?

Before we left for Honduras...
I have had Hens and Chicks as a landscape plant for 4 years or so. Whenever they've grown long stalks like that (usually about 1 or 2 feet long), they grow several flowers, go to seed and then that specific plant dies. The surrounding "chicks" are OK and the seed are fertile, so you'll get lots of babies.
I have had Hens and Chicks as a landscape plant for 4 years or so. Whenever they've grown long stalks like that (usually about 1 or 2 feet long), they grow several flowers, go to seed and then that specific plant dies. The surrounding "chicks" are OK and the seed are fertile, so you'll get lots of babies.
Thanks so much...appreciate the information.
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