How big is it? With the recent shohin talk...
I like the profile it is in but I feel that pot too small. Which outs 7 and 2 for me, 2 being the best profile, and my pick if not too small.
Three seems the right size but the profile is too vertical. The basal flare dictates this a lot for me, being so close, but the movement higher matters too.
4 seems a good size, and this is of course assuming you didn't somehow shop them in, this is assuming they are in front of the old.
But it's too brown, however, I'd like to see the bark color, without bark color, a lot is off profile
5, maybe glazed, but the tree for me is too formal for such a shape. Glazed or not.
6 is out in my mind because of that "box top" design, a position in which this will be.
Something different!
Seems pretty normal
, that I'd feed you excuses to buy new pots....seeing as how I am a B'nut! We gotta stick together!
A deep Blue Oribe with a yellow hint would kill. You know the one.
I don't know how big these get though.
That's sexy though!