Not sure what these are short of Hinoki Cypress . It’s ok to use widely used acronyms, especially after spelling them out in the same post though. A few are used as is JBP, JWP, JRP.
The red clay soil in Virginia is a hazard for digging in bonsai. Used to come in the house covered with the stuff when landscaping, especially when it had rained. Guaranteed root issues. Likely your Hinoki is troubled
@rockm has a great method of avoiding this issue. Place bricks under the pots and mulch everything in.
Garage storage methods depend on many things, including average temperature and tree type.
Having drainage, air circulation and keeping media a bit moist is important.
If most trees are dormant usually not an issue if temperatures average below 50F at times. Above that likely issues of breaking dormancy may kick in. But what the hey, one can’t fight Mother Nature. So have a contingency plan.
Anyways a bunch of folks here last year helped me craft an over wintering guide. I used azaleas as a focus, but the information and case studies are all applicable to all temperate trees. One might download this document and check it out.
DSD sends