That is my pompous name yes. At your service good sir....Hello, what is your connection with Dr Naude or are you Dr Naude ?
Awesome! Traditional script...! Easy to read thanks..I've had an interest in penjing, but then I fell in love with the Japanese art form, bonsai. I still have soft spot for penjing or penjing like trees. There are plans to try to develop a few of my Celtis stock into trees with a similar flavor as ones found on these pages. Dig around the Website and you'll find neat stuff around there. I've known the facebook page for a while, but noticed the Website.
Here's what to look for if you're interested in the FB page.
View attachment 130594
That is my pompous name yes. At your service good sir....
Ps: titles are fleeting and over-rated lol
If I am interpreting your definition correctly Bolero this would be a Shuǐhàn pénjǐng style tree? A very amateur attempt on my partView attachment 130593
This is a differnce in culture and interpretation... in my opinion both styles are beautiful in their own right.
If I am interpreting your definition correctly Bolero this would be a (...)
Sometimes the others, the strangers, bring guns, fly airplanes into buildings and essentially believe that all that don't believe in what they do should be slain...
Thank you. It is a cape honeysuckle. This is my 5th month in bonsai so I am just learning. I like to be able to tell people what style my bonsai are...I like your Penjing, very nice with the Mountains, the little figure is un necessary for the setting and doesn't say anything...
A little pruning on the tree and you are Good to Go...
What kind of tree ?
Thank you. It is a cape honeysuckle. This is my 5th month in bonsai so I am just learning. I like to be able to tell people what style my bonsai are...
Worry less about "style" and more about emotion. I kid you not, after doing this for 30 years, I find myself drifting away from the rules, and asking myself the question "does it 'move' me?"
Of course that is MY definition of bonsai - Mother Nature in a small form. Can I look at a bonsai (as an art form) and does it speak to me? It can satisfy all the rules of bonsai, in the way that the LA River can satisfy the rules of being a river... but is it Mother Nature? The best bonsai are those that are developed by man (and woman) kind... without leaving a trace. I have seen a handful of bonsai in my life that mystify me. And none of them are mine.
You have to know the rules before you can move away from them. It seems to me all art forms (music, painting, woodworking, poetry, literature etc) is defined and classified in some way. Identifying the art of Salvador Dali as surrealism, Mozarts music as classical or Tennessee Erie Fords songs as country and western, does not diminish their work or make it have less feeling, it simply gives one a framework of perspective to see how truly amazing their art is within that genre. I believe bonsai is an art form and our art can, and should be classified in some way.
Sang the Monster Mash.Tennessee Erie Fords