PBA azalea

Takes a little time to get azaleas into a "proper" bonsai pot. I wanted to do that last year. Did some research and decided to wait a bit. I'm still learning the ins and outs of how to keep these. It's not as straightforward as "regular" bonsai. Three-year cycles, motobadome treatment, etc.

I managed to get a pretty nice little round cornered deep tokoname pot this weekend for $5 (yeah, five dollars-helps to have friends who have friends). Aiming to get it in there NEXT spring.
Finally got around to taking a combo photo. This one needs a haircut, but I'm not sure how to go about cutting it back as it's been repotted. I've got some ideas, but don't want to stress it outrepottedazalea.jpg . Anyone want to help me out?
Finally got around to taking a combo photo. This one needs a haircut, but I'm not sure how to go about cutting it back as it's been repotted. I've got some ideas, but don't want to stress it outView attachment 103099 . Anyone want to help me out?
I think that I would go ahead and cut it back now. Azaleas are tough, I don't think it would hurt it at all. I'm fairly merciless with cutting back at repotting time. Never noticed any ill effects, in fact it always produced tons of backbuds. Hope that helps......SK
I kill azaleas...

But I'd want to let the bottom right extend...fatten a spell.

Maybe even get the whole canopy outline shifted right about 1-2in for definite movement right....taking the left further back.

I saw PBA and mistook it for PBR, imagine my surprise. I would however trade a case of PBR for this one....lol

Seriously, I like the pot and the tree. If anything, I would shorten it a bit, or keep it more rounded on top,

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