Ok, I am ordering a pallet of lava rock sifted to 1/8-1/4". The product is coming in 50lb bags, and I have 25-30 bags out of the 40 bags sold already. However, I cannot seem to find someone in my local club to buy up the last ten bags. I would, but I dont have a truck, so transporting the extra 10 bags(500 pounds), along with my own portion of the order, would put me way over my hatchback's payload capacity. The product will be delivered to the NEMF terminal in Irwin, PA to give everybody an idea of where they will need to drive to. Like I said, I have about 10-15 bags that I need to sell before I place the order.
That is the product, its just not coming from hollow creek. PM me for price, because I might give you a break if one person is able to snatch up the remaining bags in the order. Its going to be $15-17 a 50lb bag as of right now.
That is the product, its just not coming from hollow creek. PM me for price, because I might give you a break if one person is able to snatch up the remaining bags in the order. Its going to be $15-17 a 50lb bag as of right now.
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