Anyone here know the size of Akadama, lava rock and pumice you should you per size of your tree?


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Lancaster, PA
I have been using 3-4 mm size, but just bought medium 8-9mm size and think it is too big for what I want, I have various sizes of trees so anybody know is there some rule of thumb to use? per height or trunk size?
I use 2-4 mm in all my trees because that’s the sieves I got. I don’t change with tree size.
Thank you Gustavo I think I will just use this large mix for bottom of the pot maybe?
It's dependent on your local climate and watering habits. No one can answer for you.

But the most important thing is uniform particle size. Different sizes is counterproductive.
For Shohin I use approximately 1/16” to 1/8”

For anything larger I will go 1/8” to 1/4”. Whether or not to leave in the 1/16” on these depends on how much water retaining capacity I’m aiming for. I take it out for trees like Ponderosas, leave it in for trees like deciduous.
Thank you Gustavo I think I will just use this large mix for bottom of the pot maybe?

Careful using it for drainage layer. I think it would degrade and plug up the bottom.
Maybe 50-50 with equal size lava or pumice but I would NOT use akadama as the entire bottom.
(actually I try to keep the stuff from anywhere near the bottom)
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