reply to this thread left me thinking I don't want 2 dirty big scars there in a few years.
Not removing branches on a juniper when theyre small leaves scars that take forever to heal when the branches get big and have to be removed.
It's a true statement, however, junipers ARE Shari and Deadwood. So you don't have to worry about it too much.
Training Follows growth habits.
It's why it's always good to allow your tree one year of free growth to watch growth habits. But, we can't do that so get 40 extra!
A Maple and a Juniper are great to ponder in regards to growth habits and training since they fall on opposite ends of the spectrum.
Because of Junipers Deadwood features, one can be left to its own devices for years, and be revisited to make a "tree" in one day.
You will never come to a Maple left to its own devices that you can cut a little, slap some wire on, and make a tree from. Your first step will Always be one back. Usually to just trunk, sometimes subtrunks or initial branching.
It is mostly due to a maples opposite growth habit. But not just the opposite, the fact that when strong, you don't just get 2buds at a node, you get 6. Those extra 4 are what creates reverse taper. Which can be cut leaving a gaping hole or Deciduous Deadwood. But DD is frowned upon, though, America runs in it it? Anyway. (I don't eat DD cuz I saw someone bring a donut back and they put it back on the shelf)
Making maples one of the highest in the
This is what makes small junipers so boring.
Absolutely nothing to do.
Unless you are making right small trees, but only blue rug juniper, and shimpaku juniper have foliage tight enough to make small trees. I guess AND are readily available.
Sorry forgot you were UK, you don't have Dunkin Donuts or Blue rugs right? Sabina juniper maybe.
Another important difference to consider in regards to growth habit is the difference between elms and maples.
Maples will only grow from Nodes.
Elms can grow a ring of branches at any cut site.
This makes elms a better setandforget Deciduous tree. The alternate leaf/branch pattern makes it less susceptible to reverse taper, though again, anything vigorous is not going to follow bonsai rules!
Understanding growth habits is paramount to success.