This plant has been growing outside in portland for many years, so it is clearly hardy, the two other matching plants i got, went into the ground and will be just fine.Guessing since you collected from someones yard it was locally? Could it be a "hardy" Olive? There's another side to Portland climate possibly not yet seen by you. Times of brutally cold Icy freezing windy weather there because of Columbia River gorge. Rain or thawed snow frozen all over everything for days. The brunt of this does not go too far south from you.
i have lived in this region (in a number of cities thruout) for nearly half a century and know the weather and its variations very well.
the intense extremes that spawn out of the gorge thankfully are fairly contained in all but the worst of storms. its amazing how much more extreme things are just a short 10 miles in that direction!
And yeah portland certainly is good at having its every other year ice storm. thankfully they can be forecasted well in advance and are easy to plan for when you know what is coming.