Not bonsai yet, but a collection of interesting japanese maples cultivars on the way

I have a few maples that would never be classed as bonsai as there so young but there is something graceful about them that I find pleasing to the eye . Enjoy the journey with them
A few of these look like they are ready for refinement! Especially that super fat trunk just needs branch development but it's incredibly close!
Yes, it need some branches, and close a few "little" wounds as well.
You can see its evolution from raw material fattened in the ground, in his thread click,click it has still a lot of work to do before put in a bonsai pot.
I have a few maples that would never be classed as bonsai as there so young but there is something graceful about them that I find pleasing to the eye . Enjoy the journey with them
who knows!, time flies and youngth pass in the blink of an eye.

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