Repotted it in early March, cut back the roots a lot and screwed it to a wooden board.

The branch I was originally gonna use for the leader got broken off so I ended up using a branch that had sprouted as the new leader. I waited a few weeks for the new leader to get stronger then cut it flush and covered it.

Here it is now, the apex shoot is probably about 4 feet tall and the roots have a nice radial spread. The wound has healed some, but it looks like there is some reverse taper around where the cut is healing.

Probably won’t do anything else this year. Not sure if I want to repot it next year or wait, the roots are exactly where I want them they just need to thicken up.

The branch I was originally gonna use for the leader got broken off so I ended up using a branch that had sprouted as the new leader. I waited a few weeks for the new leader to get stronger then cut it flush and covered it.

Here it is now, the apex shoot is probably about 4 feet tall and the roots have a nice radial spread. The wound has healed some, but it looks like there is some reverse taper around where the cut is healing.

Probably won’t do anything else this year. Not sure if I want to repot it next year or wait, the roots are exactly where I want them they just need to thicken up.