Two words for ya "Natures Way" bonsai in Harrisburg.
This is a link to sales of R fastigiatum?
Two words for ya "Natures Way" bonsai in Harrisburg.
I figured as much! I've killed my share of plants and even a cacti or two.
Other than an azalea what would be a good beginner tree to bonsai?
There are contorted Elm and Quince that are at home in your zone. And tend to stay tiny at twice their size.
I am a chump for trees that bloom.
I figured as much! I've killed my share of plants and even a cacti or two.
Other than an azalea what would be a good beginner tree to bonsai?
There are contorted Elm and Quince that are at home in your zone. And tend to stay tiny at twice their size.
There's too many choices. I'm going to end up with ten trees..
No. It's a link to a great bonsai nursery pretty near you. Worth a trip just to look around. FWIW, quince (both kinds, Japanese and Chinese) are used extensively in bonsai.This is a link to sales of R fastigiatum?
Hmm, I may have to go back today and grab one of the two. They were pretty far along and already flowering.
As a rule of thumb should pruning be done before or after bloom?
Clubbing baby seals is easy.
No. It's a link to a great bonsai nursery pretty near you. Worth a trip just to look around. FWIW, quince (both kinds, Japanese and Chinese) are used extensively in bonsai.