Hello everyone! I have been a Bonsai enthusiast since I can remember, literally, one of my earliest memories is my family taking me to Bonsai of Brooklyn and me hearing the song "Under the Boardwalk" and staring opened jawed at these mystical miniature trees. I felt like a gentle Godzilla, haha carefully stepping where Godzilla might smash... Now, I have the pleasure of creating and owning my own bonsai, and while I have never bought anything besides nursery stock, I am loving the hobby and am getting along famously practicing styling, wiring, and pruning. I can safely say I know barely anything, but I do know the absolutely basics of styles, species, wiring (although I believe this is my weakest point), and pruning. So, if you do respond to this thread (which I very much appreciate
), know that words need not be wasted to laymanize a bonsai term.
Ok, that being said, I have a few questions to whom it may concern...
1.) I was very very lucky in my last nursery picking to find a nursery near a horse farm that had on its grounds about 20-30 juniper procumbens that have just passed the seasons NOT being bought by customers, because, as the owner told me, "The trunks are too strangely shaped"(and who wants a strange shaped trunk, right?). So I, bought every one I could afford, with the minimum age of the youngest estimated by the owner to be 15 years, with the oldest being about 35 years!!! how awesome is that? Neways, I have this gorgeous natural stock that I want to work on, but am scared to because I have never worked on a tree of this age. They have alot of old mossy bark, natural ramification throughout the entire branch structure, nice thick well-tapered trunks, and nice cascade/semi-cascade style twists in the trunks. So I need help/advice on how to proceed.
2.) I was wondering where I should post my questions about the trees, in the species juniper threads or the styling threads.
3.) I was also hoping for any other advice in general, i.e. common bonsai killers, things you all see all the time that I should avoid, differences between young stock/ older stock, etc...
Thank you all, for making it this far in my rant/rave and for all consideration,

Ok, that being said, I have a few questions to whom it may concern...
1.) I was very very lucky in my last nursery picking to find a nursery near a horse farm that had on its grounds about 20-30 juniper procumbens that have just passed the seasons NOT being bought by customers, because, as the owner told me, "The trunks are too strangely shaped"(and who wants a strange shaped trunk, right?). So I, bought every one I could afford, with the minimum age of the youngest estimated by the owner to be 15 years, with the oldest being about 35 years!!! how awesome is that? Neways, I have this gorgeous natural stock that I want to work on, but am scared to because I have never worked on a tree of this age. They have alot of old mossy bark, natural ramification throughout the entire branch structure, nice thick well-tapered trunks, and nice cascade/semi-cascade style twists in the trunks. So I need help/advice on how to proceed.
2.) I was wondering where I should post my questions about the trees, in the species juniper threads or the styling threads.
3.) I was also hoping for any other advice in general, i.e. common bonsai killers, things you all see all the time that I should avoid, differences between young stock/ older stock, etc...
Thank you all, for making it this far in my rant/rave and for all consideration,