New Jacqueline Hillier Elm


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Canton Ohio
Picked up this Elm today from local nursery who sells some bonsai trees. Wondering about potential trunk chop as there probably very close to inverse taper where multiple branches extend. Thinking I could Air layer part of this off to get another tree.


Very nice elm, my personal favorite. I've made many new trees from mine with cuttings up to half an inch in diameter. Very tight, compact foliage layers up like shingles on a roof. You have to open windows for light to penetrate into the interior or it will die back to just the ends of the branches.
This type of elm is starting to get popular.
I also buyd this fiew days ago and choped all off. There is post about same species around here
My experience is that these respond to a heavy cut back with lots of back budding all the way to the ground.
So decided to start air layer attempt. This is my second one I attempted as my first on a trident I am still waiting to see roots. Started this may 11th and 3-1/2 weeks later starting to see root tips. Picture from couple days ago and notice roots longer today in bag but didn’t get good picture.



I almost killed one over the last two years, but think I've got things back on track. Undoubtedly steps back, but it seems like a very vigorous grower now that it's in a better environment.

Excited to see those air layers.
I almost killed one over the last two years, but think I've got things back on track. Undoubtedly steps back, but it seems like a very vigorous grower now that it's in a better environment.

Excited to see those air layers.
Explain in detail how did you almoste kill it
Main detail here is bullheaded-beginner.

I bought it from a nursery in a 4" or 6" pot, transplanted it into a shallow bonsai pot late in summer (I didn't know better at the time), didn't provide a ton of aftercare, then let it decline for a year because I wasn't quite sure what to do, got busy elsewhere, and didn't take action. Last winter I repotted back into a nursery can and provided a safe spot for it to be sheltered. This spring it seems to be pushing some healthy growth. I'll see about grabbing some more current pictures.

Aug 2022
It’s funny the guy at nursery said he isn’t afraid to repot anytime of year when I bought It. But he’s been doing this a long time and I will wait till spring to repot it and do root pruning myself.

Roots really pushing out now and other side has this much or more as well. Not sure how long to wait to cut but plan to keep waiting longer.

I went ahead and removed air layer today. Definitely a pain to remove sphagnum moss and did not get rid of all of it as I didn’t want to damage roots.

Original tree with air layer removed

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