I totally agree with mach5 on the styling bare.
The following is more to keep your potential problems at bay...PPB!
Green is good...I'd cut the red now...
View attachment 108019
From right to left...
The right branch is a sure keeper...
If only to keep fattening the trunk.
But could also be well used later.
The open green circle...good branch...but the 4 way is bad...I'd keep the strong ones for vigor....and it's a low branch...so you want it larger.
The red circle Seems to be coming from the inside of the bend....that is gonna make it look shitty there...maybe reverse taper....or kill your transition.
The red line below that....that branch is just too weak too keep IMO.
The green line should be left healthy....that is a key branch....
Also lower, so Cutting back to those first two nodes should not be done till it is of the right size. Definitely not fall. It will pop buds there later.
The vertical red line...
It could be cut or left a while....
I'd cut it to keep light to that big one and it's first node.
It looks like you have a lot more things to address above...in the yellow circle...
Things stemming from the same...
Chopped and forgotten.
Not that this is bad...it gives you options..and things to do!
I would follow the same concept up there...removing inside the bend branches....and any shitty 4 ways...etc..
This will clear some light for the low stuff which has to catch up.
Like the branch that is coming from the continuation of the left line of the yellow circle...looks real close to the other ones base...
Needs to be wired into a better position...
If removing the heavier part there is a future possibility....
Or cut off of you are pleased with the heavier continuation.
I would cut it off....as that continuation looks good from here...
F thread grafting roots for a while.
Rid yourself of problems that are going to f you first.....
And that's it this year...
Show it to Mach5 when it's naked....
Mach5 is the man!