Myconox mycorrhizal inoculant - use or not?


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Victoria, BC
While ordering wires from Stone Lantern bonsai I noticed that they sell this stuff as well. I’d like to hear from experienced users usefulness and practicality of it. Would it speed up development of my pre-bonsai and bonsai? Thank you in advance for advice.
Way back I would transfer some old pine soil to new pots but I've found that mycorrhiza gets into my pines whether I innoculate or not. It turns up in seedling trays and every pot with a pine and suitable conditions.
Mycorrhiza helps trees survive in harsh and depleted environments. If you are looking after your trees and feeding regularly they'll have everything they need so added mycorrhiza won't give them any more growth.
Pay for it is you wish but to me it is just something aimed to part gullible people from some money.
I bought a jar and used some a few years ago. Can’t tell if it made a difference or not to be honest. I am not going to buy again for sure.
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