I stumbled into a new realm when listening to that Ryan Neil-Ian Hunter podcast. I'm a ''chemical guy'', heck I even have a fertilizer manufacturer blend up half a ton of a custom blend I think is perfect for orchids, and pretty good for bonsai. I am currently 3/4 through selling my 3rd half ton order, mostly selling it to orchid people at orchid society meetings. So ''I believe in Chemicals'' is the walk I walk. But I did some digging, and there is something in the ''organic'' agriculture thing, and mycorrhizae have a place in it. I have not organized my thoughts enough to ''go public'' and I got a lot of fertilizer to sell before I tell people I went organic.
I think by 2020 I'll have my ideas organized enough to test, and then talk about if 2 or 3 years of results look good. Actually first test is in progress.
@rockm - normally I'm right with you on this. But I have a sneaking suspicion that when I finally get my test run done, maybe late 2020 or early 2021 I will be able to ''convert you'' to a new and radically different method.
But for now. I got to sell more 12-1-4 fertilizer.