My Shohin Collection is Growing

Brian Underwood

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Santa Rosa, CA
I have always liked shohin sized trees. There's something about being able to hold a living, growing TREE in the palm of your hand that's mesmerizing. As an occasional seller of trees, I often prefer to sell shohins because the shipping/packing is easier and cheaper, so this has really eaten away at my shohin collection. I have created dozens of shohin redwoods, olives, Japanese maples, tridents, crabapples, all to be sold off to new owners. As of late, I have been trying to expand my personal collection of shohin, and here are some of my favorites.
First up is my very first shohin ever! This crabapple was purchased about 6 years ago from Miniature Plant Kingdom near Occidental, CA. I cut it down to 8" (from 12) and kept working on branching. It bloomed for me every year until last year when it was attacked by some sort of boring insect. Many of the branches were killed, and much of the trunk is now dead as well. I treated with a systemic and it seems to be growing much better now. Enjoy!
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My next "just for me" shohin was a little miniature boxwood. Only about 3" tall, this guy packs a lot of character in a small tree. I call it "Dr. Seuss" as it resembles one of the Truffula trees from the Lorax. It is potted in a fine Michael Hagedorn pot that I snagged for $1 :)
Here is one of my favorites, a multiple trunk olive from Lone Pine Nursery in Sebastopol, CA. I spent the last 4 years growing it on a tile in an attempt to increase the nebari. I recently repotted it into a uniquely glazed Japanese oval that I ordered from eBay Japan a few years ago. I re-wired it this year and accidentally separated a few branches, which is why there's some green wrapping. I think it's coming along nicely :)DSCF2831.JPG DSCF2832.JPG DSCF2833.JPG DSCF2834.JPG DSCF2835.JPG
This one I just posted recently, but I thought I'd take another picture of it. I just bought it at Lone Pine in February, cut it back, repotted it, and styled it in March. And now look where it is! This one is potted in a cool little container from Bonsai Fusion, a whole $2 if I remember correctly.
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This is another tree I did this year. It's some sort of Japanese Maple variety grown by Lotus Bonsai of Placerville, CA. Scott Chad grew this from seed and had it potted in a handmade round that was a bit too big for the tree. I cut it back pretty severely and stuffed it into yet another $1 purchase. The pot is handmade Japanese and looks to be fairly old judging by the great patina. It was appraised at $150 which was surprising ;)


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Very nice work they all look great :) if you lived in the uk I would buy one !!
Thanks for sharing. Good for your enjoyment and our reference.
love that crab Brian! You have a knack for the small trees, and your pot pairings are wonderful.
Great leaves on that boxwood! I have always wanted to try a tiny boxwood. Thank you for the inspiration.
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