My oldest tree


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Albuquerque new mexico
This morning I gave my crassula a bit of a haircut and realized that I was working on the plant I've had the longest over any.
My jade plant was originally a gift from my mother when I was 8 years old and now I'm 21.
It was treated as a normal houseplant (an extremely neglected one) up until 2013 when I started practicing bonsai.
My little jade has been with me for almost 14 years now and I still love it as much as I did when I was 8 if not more now.

Here's the plant itself.20160520_065809.jpg

My reasoning behind this thread is for all of us to think back and remember what our oldest tree we have is and post a pic up.

Let's see your oldest tree!
And I don't mean age, I mean how long it's been in your care.

That's an interesting gift for an 8 year old! :)

You might have been a much quieter 8 years old than I was ;)

Cool tree and story :cool:
I just saw a fairly large jade plant in my downtown farmers market! Thinking about picking it up... If only my stat class would end sooner....

Hope it's still there when I am finished!

Nice looking plant
That's an interesting gift for an 8 year old! :)

You might have been a much quieter 8 years old than I was ;)

Cool tree and story :cool:
I'm "weird" compared to my family, everyone thinks plants are pretty but couldn't grow one to save their life.

I've been intrigued by trees as far back as I can remember. I was a rambunctious one but instead of causing ruckus, I'd be the one to wonder off and climb a tree as far up as I could, then wait till they could find me lol

The Doug fir behind the coffee cup. It may be the first tree I ever collected, first season anyways. Not sure when that was, I'm chronologically challenged. Still a ways to go but getting there I guess. image.jpg
I have had this tree since 1972. The first tree I obtained after being reborn out of the Army and Viet Nam. I need to get some updated pictures of this tree. We have been through a lot together. It has taught me and I have applied that which I have learned over the years. It keeps changing with me. This photo if from our club show poster from about five years ago. BONSAI_SHOW_smaller.jpg
stat class

Is that why Med School takes sooo long to complete?

Stat Class Monday....
Get me an IV....Stat.


We need a gurny in here...Stat.

Sounds like a boring class!

This is a cutting from my oldest. Ficus Ben.

And an airlayer.20160507_214234.jpg

I need some better material!

I have had this tree since 1972. The first tree I obtained after being reborn out of the Army and Viet Nam. I need to get some updated pictures of this tree. We have been through a lot together. It has taught me and I have applied that which I have learned over the years. It keeps changing with me. This photo if from our club show poster from about five years ago.

Here is a photo as of this morning as the tree proceeds down the redesign road into year four of the transformation.
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Here is a photo as of this morning as the tree proceeds down the redesign road into year four of the transformation.
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Its a very nice tree. But i dont really like the pot combination.
Its not bad but im sure you can get a nicer overall image with a different pot perhaps more rectangle
I have had this tree since 1972. The first tree I obtained after being reborn out of the Army and Viet Nam. I need to get some updated pictures of this tree. We have been through a lot together. It has taught me and I have applied that which I have learned over the years. It keeps changing with me. This photo if from our club show poster from about five years ago. View attachment 105720
Vance, I cant get near that. But I want to thank you for your service in the Army. And for all you do for bonsai!
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