I like it!
My one criticism: the small branch off the right of the new trunk looks out of place between the thicker new trunk and the two new branches off the original trunk. It might be different in 3D, but in the photo, I find it distracting. I can see the two branches on the right getting more and more out of proportion with that guy and stealing back the show. It almost looks like you'll end up with a mother/daughter situation in a few years rather than an integrated single canopy??
Do you have plans to try and control that? Or am I wrong in thinking you were after a single canopy??
Well if I'm tracking you right, I would really like that branch to thicken up a lot.
The branches should get progressively less thick, so I'm not sure if you mean you're worried it will get thicker than the branches on the right or not.
In any event if that branch weren't there right now, there would be a giant hole in the tree. I definitely want the new left canopy to thicken faster than the two right branches and I'm sure I can get things balanced out.