Imperial Masterpiece
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Northern New Jersey
Three and a half years ago I started my bonsai garden. Before that time, I had long benches simply set on the grass. Ultimately I wanted to create a garden specifically designed to display my bonsai. Having been in Japan twice now, I took home many design and aesthetic tips. I did not set out to recreate a Japanese garden, but rather I used them to inspire my own design. I have also taken inspiration from many other sources, so fair to say my garden is somewhat eclectic. I keep tweaking and making additions as needed. Next year more changes will come as I look to incorporate some larger trees within the space. Essentially, it continues to be a work in progress.

Since the beginning I have taken many photographs throughout the different seasons and at different times of the day. It have taken great pleasure in seeing my garden and trees maturing together. Although I would not consider my garden as large sized, it is of sufficient dimensions to allow the trees to be highlighted without being cramped against each other. Of course that will continue to be a challenge as my collection grows.

I have included a few pics back when it all started with the construction of the arbor. It all grew from there.

Please post your gardens or set ups no matter what they may be, even those under construction. Simple benches on grass why not! It's all good! I know at least a few of you have some really nice set ups!

Beautiful and very nicely done. Looks like you have a love of deciduous, some stunning specimens. My entire Bonsai space would fit into your gazebo area.......but have plans to changes things up......get back to this thread in three or so
Title asks to "share yours"... Can't wait to get a house. I figure I can fit maybe 10-20 more but I'll have to get rid of the chair and table. Glad the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor neighbors don't complain when I water.

View attachment 171652
Nice set-up and material. You seem to make the most of your space.
I can see you coming out with a book @MACH5 , maybe something on deciduous one day. I would buy, I guarantee you would have some beautiful pictures in it :). I have always admired your garden and your trees are next level. Sometimes a person's passion and natural god gifted abilities come together.
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