while panning for gold I came across a huge body of clay, so i decided to take some home. I dissolved it in water, and Sen it through a 30 mesh screen. I allowed it to set for several hours and there was no line of silt so i figured it was decent clay.
I decide to make a small pot. it came out about how you'd expect for a first timer. due to my ignorance I allowed it to dry way too fast and it cracked. after looking it up, i should have allowed it to dry over a two week period. You live and you learn. I guess i should have made a few tiles and fired them to see how it looks/acts.
I decide to make a small pot. it came out about how you'd expect for a first timer. due to my ignorance I allowed it to dry way too fast and it cracked. after looking it up, i should have allowed it to dry over a two week period. You live and you learn. I guess i should have made a few tiles and fired them to see how it looks/acts.