My Cork bark Jade

For succulents that are not in bonsai pots yet, I strongly recommend keeping them in terracotta (clay) pots. It helps them stay dry and it's very hard to overwater them. I keep my P. afras in a southern window (also in 5B Illinois) in clay pots, and they often grow all through winter. If this one does not make it, you're welcome to take a cutting from me.
Inside, I water my Afras 1 time a week with very little water. They are in pure sifted 8822. After 2 days the soil is totally dry. I let it sit for 5 days afterwards. Basically, i water on sundays.

Yours has no leaves. I would water it with no more than enouhh water to dampen the soil every 2 weeks. I also agree on checking your roots.
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