Si Nguyen
Awesome thread! I love reading this over the years. I like how you are so focused on developing your trees. Really show what persistence can create. That's a beauty! I wish I could grow my azaleas like that.
Is that straight part bendable maybe? i heared azalea's have soft(er) wood.
Yeah maybe, i thought that also ment it was easyier to bend.Not in the least. Azaleas have extremely brittle wood. You have to wire a juvenile shoot or nothing at all.
They can rot fairly quickly. Maybe that was what was implied by "soft"?
I feed it like all my other trees, Plant-Tone cakes and regular doses of liquid fish fertilizer.
Not really. The squirrels actually steer clear of the cakes. But the fish emulsion attracts bees & yellow jackets; so I try to do the fish feed in the evening.I bet the critters enjoy that too !