WNC Bonsai
I have 10 bald cypress ranging from 2-3 yr old saplings to several large (originally >8’) ones in pots. Most went to sleep on schedule this fall including my Florida tree. However one from Louisianna doesn’t want to go to sleep. It did let most of its leaves go brown and I left it outside for a couple good freezes before moving it to the unheated garage around Thanksgiving. However we really haven’t gotten any cold weather since then and it has started pushing new green growth. So since we are having a warm spell this week with today expected to hit 53 degrees, I decided to give it another shot of cold to hopefully induce full dormancy.
Our night time lows are running in the 40s right now but by early next week will dip below freezing a coulpe nights. I plan to leave it outside until the night time temps are projected to go down around 25 and then move it back inside for the winter. I am protecting this one because it was collected only last winter. I also have a handfull of trident seedlings that are doing the same thing while all my others dropped leaves on schedule so I put them outside too. Anyone else seeing this kind of behavior? I am afraid we may be in for another winter loke the last one with warm spells scattered throughout. Even with our big snowstorm last week the temps were holding near the freezing point making for a heavy, sloppy, wet mess.
Our night time lows are running in the 40s right now but by early next week will dip below freezing a coulpe nights. I plan to leave it outside until the night time temps are projected to go down around 25 and then move it back inside for the winter. I am protecting this one because it was collected only last winter. I also have a handfull of trident seedlings that are doing the same thing while all my others dropped leaves on schedule so I put them outside too. Anyone else seeing this kind of behavior? I am afraid we may be in for another winter loke the last one with warm spells scattered throughout. Even with our big snowstorm last week the temps were holding near the freezing point making for a heavy, sloppy, wet mess.