Multi trunk Yew B


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Vancouver, British Columbia
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I bought this yew last fall with dozens of other trees. $20 I think. I started bare rooting it at 3:00 today and my wife was a little pissed that I didn't look close to being finished at six. I was supposed to make dinner. This was a mildly root bound tree. It was slow going, rake the roots, cut the big roots, rake some more, cut roots, rinse etc etc. it was knarly under there. A dead plant that had wrapped itself around and through out the pot was particularly annoying to deal with.

Now I have a year to think about styling it.
Those long, bare branches will make styling this one next year problematic. Luckily, yew bud back readily, but your tree looks a bit on the yellow side- read that as weak- and it's had aggressive root work done. If this were mine, I'd place it in full sun, feed and water it heavily, then forget about it until you start getting buds down lower... way lower. As the interior foliage strengthens, you can cut back the outer foliage.
@Dav4 that is most certainly the plan. It has buds popping all over it so I am hoping a bit of TLC will get it to spring back. Yew A that I did the same to two weeks ago already looks much improved. If you look closely you can see this tree was pushing itself out of the pot. It had been neglected for many years.
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