Money Tree Hard Pruned...too Hard?

While back I accidentally broke all the green off a tree in a money tree forest I'm doing, left it bc I was too lazy to replace and ta-da, it started growing new leaves. Just fine now. Don't know the purpose of defoliation on this species, just lop off at the stem.
Thought I'd post an update.

About a week after initially repotting and defoliating, I decided to risk it and repot it a second time with the new soil. I used 60% orchid bark / 30% indoor potting soil / 10% perlite mix I made. I also didn't like the stem display so I took it apart and organized it into a fan shape for the heck of it. All the nodes fell off like you guys said (thanks for the heads up or I'd have panicked) and new buds/leaves are sprouting up along the trunks.

One trunk could quiet possibly be dead, I'm not 100% sure yet. I felt a faint pop noise when I gently (not gently enough apparently) pulled on it to reposition it when it was already in the soil and then in the next few days the leaf that was on it died and fell off and no new growth has appeared on the nodes. So I'll see how it turns out. If I don't see anything appear in the next week or so I'll cut it back a node and see if that stimulates anything.


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