Moisture Retention Layer / Top Soil

If one wants their moss atop the substrate, one can sprinkle fertilizer near the trunk. Then, no moss will appear on the trunk. Crataegus Bonsai is of the opinion that this will also encourage fine rooting close to the trunk. Likewise, if you're poking holes in the moss/substrate, sprinkle in a little fert.

Slab/rock plantings are usually fully mossed.

hmmm ...
I just watched Ryan Neil’s video about moss, and now I’m hoping I didn’t screw up too bad. I added 50/50 sphagnum moss and regular green moss to the top of my substrate. I never sifted the fines, though. Do you guys think this will mess up my soil a lot, or not really?
I just watched Ryan Neil’s video about moss, and now I’m hoping I didn’t screw up too bad. I added 50/50 sphagnum moss and regular green moss to the top of my substrate. I never sifted the fines, though. Do you guys think this will mess up my soil a lot, or not really?

You're probably fine as long as you didn't dump a ton of the ground up moss on it. The only risk would be loss of percolation and O2 in the soil.
You're probably fine as long as you didn't dump a ton of the ground up moss on it. The only risk would be loss of percolation and O2 in the soil.
I mean, I dumped all of the ground up moss on it, save for some really powdery bits that were at the bottom of the bucket.

Aren’t those two things pretty critical? I’m pretty sure I’ll be fine, I just worry because he said specifically to avoid doing this T.T
I mean, I dumped all of the ground up moss on it, save for some really powdery bits that were at the bottom of the bucket.

Aren’t those two things pretty critical? I’m pretty sure I’ll be fine, I just worry because he said specifically to avoid doing this T.T

how much is "all of the ground up moss"? If it's a thin layer you're fine, if it's 5 gallons of moss then you probably have a problem.
how much is "all of the ground up moss"? If it's a thin layer you're fine, if it's 5 gallons of moss then you probably have a problem.
Hahaha it’s just like a 1/4-1/2 inch of sphagnum and green moss. Probably fine, I’m just regretting not sifting out the dust :P
So I now think that lava is my new favorite soil component.
It holds sooo much water!
I can't believe how heavy the pots are after watering!

As for the turface top soil, so far so good, I had the trees out for a couple full days and nights last week, and when I got home from work, the top of the turface was dry, but just underneath, still damp... I'm happy with it.
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