WNC Bonsai
My winter was a tad bit colder than Bonsainut’s and we got down to 0 F one night in December. I lost a bald cypress I got from a dealer in Florida several years ago. As usual it sat in the garage next to the door and just never woke up—no idea why but my other baldies from Louisiana and Tennessee did fine outside in the cold. I also lost all 3 small cork bark Chinese elm cuttings I got off Etsy last fall. I kept those in a window well right next to a larger one and a cork oak I got from Erik Schrader (Bonsaify) so I think the others were poorly rooted cuttings and rushed out the door when we all started ordering them last fall. Another loss was a hemlock planted on a rock. I think the cold just got to those roots flowing down the sides of the rock. It hasn’t completely died, only one side so I may keep it and see if it survives and develops “character”.