Merry Christmas!!!!

Merry Christmas Nutters. Peace and love to you all.
Dinner w/Family later and saying G'By for the winter. Loading up truck and some bonsai to head south in the morning.
Boat is smiling cause it's pointed South.
Nice Megaladon Tooth!!!!!!!!!!

I saw that newER movie in theaters...buuuuut They relied heavily on graphics, and the actual SHARK.. was,... not “as 3d” as a champagne cork from earlier in the movie. 🤣

Ehh... 3d doesn’t work for me, anyways. I have third-nerve palsy in one of my eyes that basically paralyzes the muscles that MOVE that eye... sooo I’m essentially “Cross-eyed” about 2/3 of the time... you know!

Nice Megaladon Tooth!!!!!!!!!!

I saw that newER movie in theaters...buuuuut They relied heavily on graphics, and the actual SHARK.. was,... not “as 3d” as a champagne cork from earlier in the movie. 🤣

Ehh... 3d doesn’t work for me, anyways. I have third-nerve palsy in one of my eyes that basically paralyzes the muscles that MOVE that eye... sooo I’m essentially “Cross-eyed” about 2/3 of the time... you know!

I remember jena sims from on of those movies lol and no doubt or worries about your eyes. I never judge people on things like that as much as people w conditions might think others do. I know we all have cards and will have cards drawn on us like that so keepon keeping on. I'm just thankful I don't wake up in Congo or Siberia every day. Lots to be thankful about and you have a great fam it seems

@underdothat thing see 65mph+ or?
You know it's fast when you run a helmet on a boat. I rode a 1400cc jetski that did 60 and had a Yamaha banshee twin 350cc 2 stroke quad when I was younger. Fast fast
84 on that pass. It was a shootout race at Lake Ozarks. Don't usually wear a helmet:)

So that's a real shark tooth? dang... Gulf of Mexico doesn't look so good now. ha ha ha
Damn that's cooking on the water

Yes, from millions of years ago. Mexico has some white sharks but not as many on gulf side. I surf mornings and nights high tide feeding ground w 20' sharks. All good

Speaking of large. My nephew Hudson there is 1.5 years old
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