Melaleuca Nesophila - Seedling Sprout Pics? Are mine weeds?


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NW Montucky
Hey everyone, anybody have Melaleuca Nesophila seedling pics. I’m trying to determine if mine are weeds from lawn guys using the blower or if they have sprouted proper.
I completely over seeded this 4” container. Hard to believe that many weed seeds would find there way into the container.

Since these are native to the Southern Hemisphere, the sprouting jives with the fact that the Aussies are currently coming into spring as we are coming into winter.


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Thanks for that, when they are that small it can be very hard to make much of an ID but in saying that I am confident that you don´t have weeds there.
The cotyledons which are the two rounded so called first leaves are very reminiscent of Melaleuca/Eucalyptus type cotyledons.
If you planted these from a packet or self collected I am confident they are what you planted and not weeds so definitely keep on growing them, fingers crossed.
Yes, field collected. The container was also 3 feet off the ground away from the lawn.
For me these are probably what you collected and not weeds, I´ve grown loads of Melaleuca from seed and I´d say they resemble them even at this early stage. When they have grown a bit more post again with the juvenile growth to double check, I´m always keen on seeing that.

Careful not to let them dampen off though, especially now it´s autumn. They can rot when they are that small quite easy.
Almost definitely melaleuca. I planted out many varieties in the last year, including nesophila, they all look very much like this as they emerge.
Here’s a few pics I found since that is what you originally asked for...

sprouting... circled in red. These are not M.Nesophila but another melaleuca. As you can see, very similar to your pic at this stage.
... and here’s some Mels a couple of months after germination. Centre pot is M.Nesophila just for reference.
To me they seem to resemble sweet basil. I'm not familiar with AUS species, but at this stage I'd just grow them out and see what kind of adult foliage pops up.
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