Last night we had a study group and one of the trees was a fairly old JBP with a 2-2.5" thick very straight branch. The verdict was to either bend it or lose it. So why not risk losing it while bending it and maybe the branch survives. We didn't bend it as far as originally hoped for two reasons: the owner felt bad for the tree and a second, twisting downward bend was needed so we will do that in a second round. The trees owner thinks were done at this point There didn't seem to be any issues during this bend. Little to no cracking or tearing was heard or felt. It's just eye opening what can be accomplished with some guts, knowledge, experience and tools. I know that this isnt the craziest bend you guys have all seen but its just meant to act as a reminder of what can be bent. I will definitely post part 2 if/when it happens