Massive American Beech


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Virginia beach, VA
So I've had the itch to collect as I havn't done much this year other then a large Ume. Normal I try and get 4-5 good tree's a year. I sold 5 tree's this year so I wanted to put a few back in my collection. I meant to take more pictures of the process of digging this tree out but I completely forgot. This was the one of the hardest dig's I've done and I almost gave up as this tree it huge despite it's age. it's about 4 feet tall and weights ALOT. Anyway it's a lot term project, with a lot of carving(going to hollow it out) and branch development.

Bout 17
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Yep now I'm going to have to go look for one tomorrow! I was very surprised by the weight of these. Ironwood is a well disserved nickname
Yep now I'm going to have to go look for one tomorrow! I was very surprised by the weight of these. Ironwood is a well disserved nickname

Just make sure there are low branches, collecting with just a stump gives them a low chance of pulling through. Also make sure the bud haven't began to open yet , moving is ok but you don't want unfurling when collecting.
I love it. From what I've seen these are harder to rammify and reduce so a big trunk is a good thing!
My first few are stump ish so I will be very picky today. I do like their unique look and being native makes it that much better! Now to find out how I do with them
I have several beech on my property. I say every year I should do some layers.

Beech still has last autumn's coppery hold over leaves on this rainy spring day.


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BIG project! Good luck with it, hope you get buds where you need them.
BIG project! Good luck with it, hope you get buds where you need them.

To date it's my biggest tree, and puts my bald cypress to shame in weight.

Lol, My first post has so many phone auto correct errors it's rather comical.
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