I am not sure but I think it may be overwatering or environmental. I water my outside trees once a day. Watering twice would be too much. Anybody sure how to deal with this? I am in Lancaster, Pa.
Typically it is not only the heat that causes leaf scorch. It is a combination of low humidity, high heat and dry winds. Japanese maples are understory trees, they tend to be protected from strong winds and drying winds in nature.do you all think a shade cloth will help? Plus I will change the watering to morning.
This is absolutely dead on. I think many people think of leaf scorch as being primarily sun related. When I lived in SoCal it was dry winds. I would keep Japanese maples from January - May in full sun no problem. But the first Santa Ana wind that blew in from the desert - they were toast.It is a combination of low humidity, high heat and dry winds.