MABS 2023

Tidal Bonsai

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Brick NJ (USA)
This year's MABS was an absolute blast! I saw many people that I hadn't seen in years and made many new friends at this tri-state event. I wanted to share some of my favorites from the display area. My personal favorite was the Satsuki Azalea from Mel Goldstein. The timing was absolutely perfect for this flowering species, and I really appreciated how you can still see the massive stone and the structure of this 70 year old tree through the beautiful flowers! I am usually not a fan of azaleas because they are shown as a wall of flowers, but this one was stunning!!!
The memorial displays for Pauline Muth, Martin Schmalenberg, and Nick Lenz were very touching!

I didn't get a chance to photograph all of my favorites because I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off!!! Any other Bonsai Nuts that attended, feel free to post pictures of the other displays from this weekend.
Love the olive, that’s a nice piece of material. I wanted to get down to MABS but the 15 month old had other ideas. Planning to make it to make it to the national show in September
Love the olive, that’s a nice piece of material. I wanted to get down to MABS but the 15 month old had other ideas. Planning to make it to make it to the national show in September
I just got to go for the first time ever yesterday because I have young children also. Have fun at nationals!
Thanks for sharing! BTW, the beautyberry cuttings I got from you are all budding out. :)
That azalea was amazing and such beautiful color to the flowers
I bought a cutting of the same variety along with a few others from Quiet Spirit Bonsai

Alot of other beautiful trees. I took some pictures on my phone but I havent had a chance to go through them yet.
Too tired to do it today :)
A few of my favorites …


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