As usual, I forgot to take a picture of the tree before working on it. Didn’t take a picture of the lace rock either. Did a root-over-rock planting at a Pauline Muth workshop. I guess I paid attention in class because it’s still alive and kicking.
Started to uncover the rock. Also removed one branch that was going to be too large to be in proportion and made it into a jin and created a little shari in the process. Spring 2022:
I honestly don’t remember. I assume that I probably picked a front when I was originally planting the ROR in a Pauline Muth workshop, but I have long ago forgotten what side I picked and the majority of the rock has remained buried all this time, even through the repotting. I avoided disturbing the roots much during the repot and was mainly focused on giving the roots at the base more space to grow into while gradually uncovering a bit more of the top portion of the rock.