Hinoki nursery stock and pieces of deadwood acquired fall 2021 from a pet shop (sold for aquarium use). I believe the deadwood is mopane wood. It’s very hard, dense, heavy wood. My intention for this planting is to create a tanuki (phoenix graft).

Did an initial lime sulfur treatment on the deadwood to prepare it:

Carved a channel in one of the deadwood pieces with the Dremel:

I may do a bit more carving. I also plan to treat with lime sulfur again. Missed some spots the first time as it was getting dark out when I was finishing up. I figure it’s easier to treat the deadwood fully before assembly than it would be after.

Did an initial lime sulfur treatment on the deadwood to prepare it:

Carved a channel in one of the deadwood pieces with the Dremel:

I may do a bit more carving. I also plan to treat with lime sulfur again. Missed some spots the first time as it was getting dark out when I was finishing up. I figure it’s easier to treat the deadwood fully before assembly than it would be after.