Looking for Zelkova Material


Sure am glad I showed that one to you, instead of buying it myself.....not!


Haha! It looks even better since I cleaned the moss off the trunk and wired a few branches! I'm excited to put it in one of my pots. I think I have one that will be a great color and a healthy size.
I convinced a friend of mine to try her hand at bonsai pottery (she typically makes mugs and other planters) and create a custom piece for this zelkova. I think she nailed it and I believe she could have a future in bonsai pottery. This one will most likely not be the final pot for the tree, but it will be a beautiful trainer.

She made 3 different pots with slightly different proportions, this is just the one that worked best for my tree. The other two may go up on the 99 Cent Auction soon.

Grant, that's a pretty pot, but it the wrong shape for your tree. It's too deep. A zelkova should have a shallow, wide root system.
Grant, that's a pretty pot, but it the wrong shape for your tree. It's too deep. A zelkova should have a shallow, wide root system.

I wasn't really planning on this being the final pot, but then again I haven't gotten to examine the root system on this tree, it might be ready for the final pot. I do have a slightly shallower rectangle yamafusa in the same color. Since this tree has a heavier trunk than most shohin zelkovas, I feel like I can get away with a slightly deeper pot. I guess I'll know more when I repot, but I haven't seen any substantial bud movement on this one yet.
Yes....you'll know more when you repot....after good tree health is confirmed and experienced. And, you'll select a pots along the way that you like that contribute to the early-on health of the tree.
Even if it's not the final pot, to train the nebari properly, you need to make them grow "out", not "down".

Please read MarkyScott's thread on "Ebihara Maples". Zelkova nebari is developed the same way.
Even if it's not the final pot, to train the nebari properly, you need to make them grow "out", not "down".

Please read MarkyScott's thread on "Ebihara Maples". Zelkova nebari is developed the same way.

Yes, that makes sense. I'm a big fan of that thread. Hopefully the roots are nice and ready for the Yamafusa.

In either case, I'll have to get my friend to practice making shallower containers! For someone who doesn't study bonsai, it's hard to understand just how shallow the containers should be. I even gave her dimensions and she still made them all deeper.
I just learned about a variety of Chinese elm called Zelkova Nire. I'm curious if that's what I have here, because the bark on this tree seems to be characteristic of Zelkova Nire.
No Grant, Z.nire has a different bark and leaves. This looks like Z. serrata.
Here's my Z. nire, sorry taken under artificial light...
IMAG1141.jpg IMAG1142.jpg
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Here's an update on this one after it's first little trim of the season:


If I ever get a chance to show this tree, I might put it in my little red Koyo oval. I imagine it looking especially nice with the yellow autumn leaves.
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